Page 67 of Adam & Eve
My breathing got even heavier. He was about to kiss me. I could feel it. Shamelessly, I
anticipated the feel of his lips against mine. I moistened them with the tip of my tongue, then waited.
He slanted his head. His lips were a breath away from mine. I’d never been so turned on in my life.
That confirmed that I was as twisted in the head as him.
“The first-aid kit, it’s under the sink,” he said, breaking me out of my trance.
“What?” I was confused, my mind was stuck on the thought of his lips against mine.
“The first-aid kit, it’s under the sink.” He pointed, then sat back.
His body heat was gone before I took my next breath. He’d put space between us. His voice
was back to normal—calm—unlike my insides. My stomach clenched as my pussy throbbed.
“You did that on purpose,” I said.
I wasn’t angry, but I did feel some type of way about how he was always purposely teasing
He laughed in response. Reached out and ran the back of his hand down my cheek lovingly.
“You don’t want me, Eve, so you shouldn’t be bothered.”
He laughed again when I pushed his hand away.
“Jackass. Clean your hand yourself.” I got up and stomped from the bathroom. His obnoxious
laughter trailed behind me.
It was at that moment, pissed off and horny, that I realized normal people didn’t act like us. I
should have been hysterical, begging him to let me go, but instead I was on the verge of begging him
to screw me. I shouldn’t have wanted him to, but I did. I wish he had approached me the right way. I
wouldn't have minded being locked in a room with him, and he was right. I would have fucked him
for free, but that wasn’t the case. He’d kidnapped me and had turned this into a game of wills.
Too bad for him, I liked games. Getting into bed I pulled my shirt over my head then threw it
on the floor. I lay there naked and left the covers off, purposely. When he walked out of the bathroom,
I heard his breath hitch. I held back a smile. We would see who won his little game.
I wanted to scream, but I wouldn’t. He’d use it as an excuse to follow me into the bathroom. That
was the last thing I wanted. I bit my tongue and pressed my head against the cool shower wall to calm
myself down a bit. It had been three days since the Dwight incident. I’d made sure to behave as best
as I could. The tension when we were in the room together made it hard to do. It put me on edge.