Page 98 of Adam & Eve
say. Me apologizing to him seemed backwards in my mind. He was the one who made things bad
between us.
Then I reasoned that maybe him taking me wasn’t all that bad. Maybe If I would have
confronted him when I first found out he was watching me it wouldn’t have come to this point. I was
not as naïve as I pretended to be at times. Even though I didn’t know the extent of his interest at the
time, I’d noticed him noticing me. Yet, I ignored it.
I also wondered what would have happened if he wouldn’t have taken me? I was at my wits
end mentally and physically. Even being with Michael hadn’t been helping. I’d been going through
the motions of everyday life on auto pilot. Then he came, my weird, stalkerish knight in dull armor,
and sort of saved me?
Speaking of Michael, I wondered if I should tell Adam about the text I’d received from him.
Michael had asked where I was and if I was okay. I didn’t plan on texting or calling him back. He
was supposed to be my friend. I had trusted him. I’d let my guard down for him and he had been lying
to me the entire time. To someone like me, who didn’t trust anybody, that was unforgivable. I was
more likely to forgive Adam for his craziness before Michael for his betrayal. I never trusted Adam,
but I did trust Michael. That hurt because I didn’t normally trust people. To have him lie to me the
way he had was worse than Adam kidnapping me.
All the thoughts floating in my head at one time caused my brain to throb. I sat up and threw
my legs over the side of the bed. I decided to go to Adam right that second. I wasn’t going to get any
sleep until I did. I still didn’t know what I was going to say. I figured I’d just start talking until
something came. I pulled on the red silk robe he’d bought me then headed toward the master bedroom.
T W E N T E Y - F I V E
I was awakened by the feeling of someone watching me. When I opened my eyes, I found Eve
standing at the foot of my bed staring down at me. I was unable to decipher whether it was a dream or
not. Before I even tried, I slid from under the covers. The side effects of sleeping pill and sitting up
so abruptly caused blood to rush to my head which made my temples pound.
“What’s wrong?” I asked through the grogginess, not sure she would respond.
“Nothing’s wrong,” she said.
I didn’t believe her and began to panic internally.
“Is something wrong with the baby?” I asked. Had she changed her mind? Was she leaving me