Page 12 of Saving Grace
My eyes had to be big as saucers. I couldn’t believe what I was reading.
Jenny was the flighty white bitch who had been Marcus’ high school sweetheart. His mother had always acted as if she walked on water.
When Marcus and I first got together she would always show up at his family gatherings. I had told Marcus how uncomfortable she made me feel. He dismissed my feelings and claimed I was jealous. Which was bullshit. Though she was cute, with a Taylor Swift girl next door vibe about her. I wasn’t envious at all. She just really made me feel uncomfortable. She was always looking at me like she wanted to slit my throat. Now I knew why, Marcus and I had been together for seven years, and their daughter was six. That meant Jenny was either pregnant when we first got together or he got her pregnant soon after.
I felt numb, I felt dirty, and I didn’t want to know any more of my husband’s secrets. Quite honestly, I didn’t think I could handle any more of them.
My hand shook as I shut down his computer. I got up and jogged back up the stairs. I grabbed my keys, shoes and purse and headed straight for the front door. I needed to talk to someone I could trust. To someone who knew what my husband had been up to. I got in my car and headed back towards Atticus’ restaurant to get answers.
I sat at my desk facing Marcus who could barely stay upright in his chair. He was high off of who knows what. I didn’t bother with trying to hide the contempt on my face. I despised him and people like him.
He was nothing more than a pathetic addict with entirely too many vices. Vices made you weak. He was weak.
I didn’t understand how he was able to hide that side of his lifestyle from his wife. Knowing Grace was married to this waste of life caused the muscles in my neck to tighten. The urge to jump across the desk and beat him until they loosened was there, but I stayed seated.
It wasn’t even really about Grace. I’d never liked the other man in the first place. He was overly overconfident, obnoxious, and flashy. I hated that type. The ones always bragging about what they had or could do. My simple dislike had turned into hate as soon as I’d found out he was married to my Grace.
I called his name.“Mr. Davis,”
His head remained slumped to the side. He was gone, off in la-la land, riding the high of whatever substances he’d ingested.
Fuck this
Seething with frustration, I stood, removing my jacket. I walked over to where he sat.
“Davis!” I roared his name. Raising my leg, I kicked the leg of the chair, causing it to break. The sound of wood splintering rent the air. He hit the floor before the chair did.
Tank rushed into my office, his gun in hand. He looked around frantically until his gaze fell to Marcus. He was fully awake now, staring up at me with frightened eyes.
I chuckled to myself. It’s always the ones that talked the loudest who’d become scared the fastest.
Tank shook his head in disgust while sneering at Mr. Davis, “You good, boss?”
I waved him out of the room before he could further question me. He left but glanced back at me before shutting the door. His thoughts were easy to read.Don’t do something we’ll regret.
“Get the fuck up.” I ordered Marcus without waiting. I turned and walked back to my chair. I expected him to be standing by the time I got myself situated or I would shoot him, maybe.
Fuck.I wanted to, the only thing keeping me from doing so is Grace. She’d hate me if she knew I killed her husband. It wouldn’t matter even if I told her he was a piece of shit and I was doing her a favor.
I knew Grace well enough to know she’d stick by him until he proved to her he wasn’t worthy, like she’d done with me.
I took my seat, leaned back in my chair, rested my elbows along the arms, crossing my legs.
A frown tugged at my lips. Mr. Davis was up. I suspected he knew instinctively there would be consequences if wasn’t.
“What the fuck?” He slurred, his eyes were glassy and wide.
“Where is my money Mr. Davis? “I asked irritably.
He looked at me with genuine confusion on his face, then he grimaced. “You had me dragged here because of that little bit of money I owe you? Do you know who I am, who my family is?”
I massaged my temples, reaching deep for patience before responding. “You call two million dollars a little bit of money?” I gritted between my teeth “and who your family is means zero to me, if you wan-” Before I could finish, Tank barged in.
I glowered at him. “Why the fuck are you interrupting me?”
He rolled his eyes at my harsh greeting. “Thought you’d like to know you have company.” He glanced pointedly between Marcus and I, letting me know exactly who the company was. I couldn’t keep a devious smirk off my face.