Page 62 of Saving Grace
I shrugged out of his hold.
“Enough to finally break you if they all came out at once. Do us both a favor and stop digging.” I spoke firmly hoping some of my words broke through as I pushed past him and walked into the house.
It took everything in me not to follow Grace inside and make her tell me everything. I didn’t, only because I knew I was pushing her away already. That was the last thing I wanted to do. I just didn’t know how not to react negatively and or violently to the fact that she was keeping things from me, didn’t want to be there with me.
Tank gestured for me to come sit.
I picked up a chair from the patio table and moved it, so we were facing each other. Sophia could see my grandfather and her own friends out. I was done playing dutiful husband.
The look on Tank’s face told me I was not going to like what he was about to say.
I sighed looking up at the sky above.
A beat passed before Tank spoke.
“Let her breathe. You're pushing too hard.” It wasn’t a suggestion; it was an order.
I had to will myself not to be angry with him for interfering in my relationship with Grace, though he was saying exactly what I had been thinking minutes earlier.
“She’s plotting something.” I changed the subject.
He chuckled. “I know. Watch your wife. She’ll help with whatever scheme she comes up with just to get rid of her.”
I brought my eyes down from the sky to sneer at him.
He threw his head back and laughed. “Don’t shoot the messenger for telling the truth. Sophia is your wife and—you know that’s who Grace will go to for help— now that she knows I won’t help. Nice thighs by the way.” He joked.
I had saw and heard everything. But I didn’t find a damn thing funny about her exposing herself to him in a pitiful attempt to gain an ally. We would talk about that one day.
Tank threw his hands up. “Fix your face. You’re giving me the mob boss eyes. I’m a man, I got eyes. She’s gorgeous. I looked. I would never go further than that though.” He said, then his expression darkened.
“The way she told me about what happened to her was troubling. Most women would be in shambles talking about that level of trauma, but she spoke as if it happened to someone else. It was unnerving.”
I nodded. “It was.”
“And she killed him. I would have never thought she had it in her.”
I grunted, without responding. I didn’t care that she had killed him. That asshole deserved to die. If he weren’t dead, I would have killed him myself.
“I guess everybody can be capable when pushed.” He put emphasis on pushed. It was a warning.
“Grace wouldn’t hurt me.” It sounded more like I was trying to convince myself than him.
Tank’s brow rose. “If it comes down to keeping AJ safe and you…” He let the rest trail off.
I peered at him through narrowed eyes.
“I guess I’ll just have to make sure it doesn’t come down to making a choice. What else have you found out about her accident, the phone calls?” I changed the subject.
“Nothing, but I got Rosen on it.” He referred to the private detective DeMarco recommended.
I nodded. “Let me know as soon as he has something.”
He returned my gaze with a curt nod. I thought our conversation was over, but he had more to say.
“Grace is hurting.”