Page 71 of Saving Grace
I ignored them calling after me and turned to go back in, no way was I leaving without Grace. I returned to the ballroom just in time to see her leaving out the side entrance. I ran after her and was almost to the door when pain exploded in my shoulder, the bullet pierced my left shoulder causing me to stagger. I almost fell, my right knee buckling. Righting myself I barely acknowledged the pain. It wouldn’t be the first time I’d been shot or last time. I didn’t even bother trying to shoot back. My objective was to get to Grace. My phone rang and I ignored it. I pushed open the side door just in time to catch Grace tryingnto get into a Range Rover, that sat behind my own car. The one I planned to use. She was pressing buttons on different key fobs trying to find the keys that the car belonged to. When one finally deactivated the Rovers alarm, she threw the rest to the ground, opened the door and slid into the driver’s seat.
“Grace!” I called her name bounding towards her.
“Thank God,” She shouted, looking back. Relief was written all over her face as she started to get out of the car and come my way. If the circumstances were different I would have pointed out how happy she was to see me.
I waved her off. “No, drive.” I yelled,
She hesitated “You're bleeding,”
“Drive, Grace!” I barked a second time as I pulled open the door and slid in the back seat.
My phone rang again.
Only one person had that particular number.
Tank spoke as soon as I answered, “You make it out boss?”
“Yeah, I’m with Grace.”
“I got someone on the way to Ms. Joyce and the kids.”
“Good, you know what to do and where to meet me after they’re squared away.”
“Where are you taking my babies?” Grace yelled interrupting my conversation.
“Shut up and slow the fuck down,” She was going to get us pulled over by the police flying down a residential street.
“I got you brother, I’m out and be careful.”
“Be safe.” I hung up. Dropping the phone to the floor. It was useless.
“What is going on Atticus?” Grace kept repeating.
“Could you fucking stop asking questions. Just drive.”
She glared at me through the rearview mirror before concentrating back on the road. While she did that I pulled the tie from around my neck, I felt as if it was choking me. I checked my wound, the bullet had gone straight through, the bleeding was minimal. I’d live.
“Stop the car Grace, I’ll drive.”
For once she did as I said without question or argument. She pulled over to the shoulder of the road leaving the engine running. As she went to trade me places. What came next was a bit difficult with my arm in its current condition. I embraced her from behind. Gripping her around the waist with my bleeding arm I used my free hand inject a sedative into her forearm.
“What the –?” She swung her arm backwards, missing me. I gently pushed her forward into the seat. I knew the sedative had kicked in when her entire body just slumped.
“When you wake up, Grace. Everything will be fixed.”
DeMarco, an acquaintance I had recently met through his uncle stood guarding the front door that led to my grandfather’s safe house. After what he’d done for me that night I’d now call him a friend.
His ensemble, a black trench coat, black t-shirt, black jeans and black Gucci sneakers and black gloves put me in the mind of the grim reaper, all he needed was a scythe. He gave me the courtesy of meeting me halfway down the walkway after I exited the car. He smelt like gun powder and blood, like death personified.
He was… I thought of a way to describe him and tsundere, a word from my days of watching anime came to mind. Cold and hostile. He got straight to the point. No unnecessary niceties.
I liked that about him. I had enough people in my life kissing my ass just to make it.
“Your grandfather is upstairs. Your woman’s in the basement.”
I nodded. “How much do I owe you?”