Page 76 of Saving Grace
“I’m sorry, Atticus. Grace intercepted the men. They were too afraid not to let her take them.”
Tori. Ms. Joyce and AJ. They’re gone.”
72 days later.
My eyes flew open. Goosebumps pimpled my skin. I didn’t have to see Atticus to know he was in the room with me. I’d known he was coming.
I sighed and rolled over as my eyes adjusted to the darkness of the room. I raised to my elbows, searched the dark for him, found his silhouette. He’d moved the only chair in the room from the vanity and was sitting right in front of the door, blocking my way to freedom, needlessly. I couldn’t see his face but I imagined his lips turned down in a frown. His body coiled, ready for anything.
I cleared my throat “I was coming back.” I volunteered, hoping to disengage him. Telling the truth though. I planned to return. I knew Atticus wouldn’t let me live in peace without him and I didn’t want to. I hadn’t even left town. The kids, Ms. Joyce and I were in an Airbnb, less than fifteen miles away from where Atticus had me living. Hiding in plain sight. Tank also knew where I was. I knew eventually he would make Atticus aware of my whereabouts. I just needed time.
“I know you were.” Came from the darkness. Surprisingly, he didn’t sound mad at all.
“Eventually, but I was tired of waiting for you to decide when.” I’d spoken too soon, he sounded truly angry.
I swallowed my pride. I didn’t want to fight with him. “I’m sorry I ran, this time” I apologized.
“I don’t think you are sorry, but are you done?” The hardness in his tone raised goosebumps on my flesh.
I nodded as if he could see me.
Light illuminated the room.
I blinked hard; my sleep deprived eyes burned as they tried to adjust. His face came into view after a few seconds, as I suspected he wore a scowl. His shoulders were tense. He looked as if he hadn’t slept in days. He looked about ready to choke me. I needed to defuse the situation. I scooted up, bringing the thin white sheet with me to cover my nudity. Propping myself against the headboard.
“I’m done Atticus, and I didn’t plan on staying away too long.”
“Who helped you get away? My men said you arrived at the camp site in a tinted SUV, that was followed by two other tinted SUV’s. Who was it?”
My hand shook under the cover but I managed to keep a straight face.
“I don’t want to talk about that right now, Atticus.”
He frowned. As he opened his mouth to speak. I flipped the sheet from over me, exposing my nudity, and most importantly my slightly rounded belly.
His mouth formed into an O. His dark eyes softened.
“Can we talk about all this later?” or never if I had my way.
“Your son or daughter has me tired and the stress is bad for them. And the kids will be up soon” They were sharing a room with Mrs. Joyce. I assumed he had already discovered that.
I scooted over in the bed. I gestured him forward “Come lay with me, Atticus.”
I had shocked him silent. But he stood and moved towards me.
He kicked off his shoes, then pulled the white t-shirt he was wearing over his head, leaving only a pair of Black sweatpants, which hung low on his hips, exposing the chiseled V that led down.
The light clicked off. He blended in with the dark, but I heard his footsteps as he covered the distance between us in five long strides. The bed shifted when he sat. I rolled over onto my side as he took his place behind me. He situated us so he spooned me.
His breath was hot against my ear and neck as he rasped. “We will discuss everything, Grace. Why you didn’t tell me what my grandfather had done to you. Why you ran this time. Why didn’t you trust me to take care of you? No more lies. No more secrets. And you will give me your word you won’t leave again. My grandfather’s dead. Marcus is dead. There’s no one that can hurt you alive, besides me.”
I ignored his threat, swallowed the urge to tell him not to give me a reason to leave again. I knew his grandfather was dead. Tank had told me, trying to sell me on why I should come back. It was also all over the news.
I nodded.
I felt him kiss the back of my hair. Heard him inhale my scent.