Page 19 of Session 33
Naomi sighed. "That’s for her benefit, not yours. You should have at least texted her a couple days ago. She’s been worried."
I didn’t have a response because I hadn’t even thought about how she’d feel about me disappearing for days. How could I expect to be the man she needed if I couldn’t even think beyond my own bullshit long enough to check in with her? It wasn’t just selfish—it was careless.
Maybe walking away was the only way to keep from ruining the one good thing I had left.
Chapter fourteen
Saturday night, as I stood in front of the mirror, carefully removing the last roller from my hair, I couldn’t stop the smile spreading across my face. Four months had passed since Naomi’s cookout, and I hadn’t spent a lonely Friday night since. Life was… different now. Better.
Naomi had stopped warning me off Cassius, and we were growing closer. I didn’t know what the end game was, but I was enjoying his attention.
But I had to get going. Grabbing my bag and keys, I rushed out of the house, headed to meet Naomi and Jonas.
It was a shame I’d lived in Tampa all my life, and this was my first time in Ybor city. I felt myself getting depressed again—I’d missed out on so much.
My GPS alerted me that I’d arrived at my destination, pulling me away from my sad thoughts. I’d arranged to meet Naomi at a place called Hamburger Mary’s for dinner and drinks. Jonas would be showing up just before the start of the show at ten due to work.
Stepping out of the car, I adjusted my dress and admired myself in the car window. Feeling like I needed to continue my stepstoward change, I’d been buying a few new pieces to add to my wardrobe each weekend. The red knee-length bandage wrap dress I was wearing fit my body like a glove. A pair of Spanx helped hold everything together and smooth out any problem areas. Black 4-inch pumps added height to my frame, and a simple diamond necklace and bracelet set the whole outfit off.
Walking away from my car, I headed down the stairs and picked up a Ybor City map. I followed directions to my meet-up spot, glad that it was less than two blocks away. These shoes were made for looking cute, not walking. Five minutes into my walk, I could see my destination clearly, less than a half block away on the second floor, sitting across from the Improv.
Someone bumped me from behind, causing me to almost fall. I teetered forward on my heels.
They caught me, wrapping their big hands around my waist and steadying me. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. Let me help you,” he said.
I looked up, my eyes taking in his face. To say that he looked good would be an understatement. I would guess his age to be about forty. Hispanic with nice light brown skin, he was dressed in an expensive black suit. His equally handsome but older and white friend stood next to him, looking at me with concern.
“Thank you,” I said, removing myself from his hold and fixing my dress.
He stared at me, licking his thick lips. “No problem, beautiful. I should have been watching where I was going.”
I blushed at him calling me beautiful. “No problem. I was distracted too.”
He cocked his head, his words came unhurried, like he wasn’t asking for anything he didn’t already deserve. “This might be forward, but I’m about to drop my business associate at hishotel. I could meet you back here, treat you to a drink, maybe dinner? That’s if you’re not tied up or don’t already have plans.” His smile stretched wide, dazzling.
I stood there caught in the absurdity of it all. How was I attracting all these unbelievably attractive me all of a sudden. It felt unreal. This was a version of myself I wasn’t sure how to inhabit. I could think about was how much safer it would feel to just turn and walk away, but my feet stayed planted, locked in the gravity of this fine ass man’s gaze.
He cleared his throat, snapping me out of my daze. Heat rushed to my cheeks. He was waiting for me to answer his question.
“I’m sorry,” I said quickly. “I’m meeting a friend for dinner and a show at the Improv, or I would.”
“That’s okay, beautiful. I wouldn’t expect someone like you not to have plans.” He reached into his wallet and pulled out a business card. “But how about this? Call me when you have some free time.”
I nodded, taking the card with shaky fingers.
“Now don’t say you’ll call and then never do,” he teased, Charm was oozing out of his pore. He had me about ready to hand him my damp panties. “And I’m sorry, I didn’t even ask your name.”
I blinked, momentarily thrown off. What was my name again? “Angel,” I finally managed.
His grin widened. “Yes, you are. I’m Solomon Fates.”
I offered my hand for a shake, but instead of taking it, he pulled me into a brief, warm hug and pressed a kiss to my check. He smelled like sin, recklessness, power and indulgence. He was overwhelming in the worst and best way. I was terrified he’d feel my hard nipple pressing into his chest. He held me for longer than necessary.
I pulled back and his hand lingered on my waist. “Nice to meet you, Angel. Be sure to give me a call.”
Before I could recover from the hug, he was already walking away, tossing a parting line over his shoulder. “Don’t forget about me, beauty.”
I watched him disappear into the parking garage, my heart racing like I’d just run a marathon. Looking down at the business card, I giggled. Solomon Fates. An accountant, apparently. Well, at least we had one thing in common.