Page 22 of Mermaid on Heels
Kitty thumped on Sessa’s back but she recovered quickly. Her eyes locked with Liriya’s and Liriya held back a grin; they were definitely making fools out of themselves. She lifted the glass to her lips again and drank it—only for the sake of being questioned why she wasn’t drinking or attracting any suspicion. Bianca had already noted that they were exotic and not from around here, and Liriya didn’t want to give away the next level of their exoticism, too.
It is not very bad,Liriya thought after taking a full swig of water and gulping it down. If she was honest, it tasted much clearer than the sea itself, unlike how it tasted on her first attempt. She took another swig and felt the dryness in her throat fade. With another swig, she emptied the glass and asked for one more—ifit was alright.
Bianca gladly refilled her glass, pouring from a jug, and Liriya emptied that one too, feeling satisfied. Ella shot her an incredulous look from where she sat across from her on a chair. Liriya gave her an encouraging jerk of her head, and in the next moment, Ella emptied the glass too. Still, Sessa refused the reoffered drink.
They stayed with Bianca and Kitty for almost an hour before Liriya’s sanity began to cripple. Why did she think going to the land and meeting the humans was easy when she knew absolutely nothing about them or their culture or their ways? The more they stayed at Bianca’s house, the more Liriya realized how stupid she was. She couldn’t even make asimpleconversation when Bianca tried to engage her and Ella in one or another, especially from the topic of their family; about the weather, her little farm in the backyard, her work, and of course—the upcoming coronation and the ball.
Sessa was in the next room with Kitty, playing with the dolls Kitty brought down from her room after learning that her new friend wasscaredof staircases. Sessa wasn’t exactly pleased with that excuse of a lie and shot Liriya a glare over her new friend’s back, but there was no other option.
When Liriya couldn’t keep her pretending any longer, she stood and declared they take their leave. Kitty and Sessa were relishing in each other’s company that both frowned.
“You can stay a little longer, you know, there are still a few hours before it is dark,” Kitty suggested hopefully, her light green eyes, the same as her sister’s, looking up at Liriya.
She saw the pleading in Sessa’s eyes too, and it was hard to say no but she had to. “I wish we could, sweetheart, but you see I have got dinner to prepare,” Liriya told Kitty softly, relieved that she knew at least that phrase humans used—she heard it from Bianca not so long ago.
Bianca wrapped an arm around Kitty in comfort and met Liriya’s eyes with a smile. “Perhaps you can come over tomorrow? We would love to have your company; it was great spending time with you.”
“But you have to work.”
“Kitty will be home though, and I’ll return by three in the afternoon too,” Bianca said.
“Then afternoon it is,” Liriya agreed with a smile, partially wondering what her friend meant bythree in the afternoon.
They bid their farewells and walked back to the marketplace. Bianca offered to come along, in case Liriya didn’t know the way back. But Liriya had memorized the way and assured her they would be alright. Once they lost sight of the house, Ella exploded.
“What in the sea were we thinking? How did we becomethisbrainless?”
“I beg your pardon?” Sessa blinked at her, at her unexpected outburst.
“Coming to the land—no,meetinghumans was a mistake. We should not have gone with Bianca in the first place.”
“But we would not have met Kitty if we had not. I like her, she is nice and funny,” Sessa defended, confused about what was wrong, and glanced at Liriya.
Liriya released an exasperated sigh but said nothing. They continued to walk down the street that led to the marketplace, passing houses and people who threw them curious looks.
“I like them too, but did you have any idea that Liriya and I were losing our sanity talking with Bianca? Oh no, forgive me, you didnot. You were busy playing dolls with Kitty.” Ella rolled her eyes sarcastically.
“If you were that jealous, why did you not just swallow your pride and come join us?
Ella gasped. “How dare you!”
“Girls, please stop it.”
Ella ignored Liriya and shot Sessa a glare. “You stupid catfish! I was saying,youdid not have to worry about a conversation withyourfriend while Liriya and I were trying to make sense of Bianca’s words, things she talked about,andproduce a proper response to them!”
“Did I know that? You are talking like I am the cause of your problems.” Sessa glared back.
Ella huffed and looked away to a side.
“So, what are you proposing? Never come back up here?” Sessa asked her, folding her arms.
“And not make fools out of ourselves? Yes!”
“No!” Sessa’s chin wobbled and she looked at Liriya, dropping her arms. “Liriya, no, please tell me we will come back.”
“Of course, we will,” Liriya assured her with a sigh.
“Are youcrazy?” Ella hissed, emphasizing the last word.