Page 42 of Mermaid on Heels
“Does she…?”
“Know that we are mermaids? Yes. And she took it very well for someone who did not know the existence of our race.” Liriya laughed at the memory. “How else do you think I made it here in this gown? She was a great support and a great friend.”
“I bet she is,” Cedric agreed and ran a hand through his hair, smiling and shaking his head. “And if Luke isn’t coming any sooner, I might take back my words and steal the honor from him to know about you first. I’ve never been so curious in my life before.”
They shared a laugh.
Suddenly, the doors of the library opened. King Luke walked in and closed them behind him before he approached Liriya and Cedric at the large mahogany desk in the middle of the room.
“Andthat’smy cue to leave. Here comes the man of honor.” Cedric made a dramatic gesture towards his brother before turning to Liriya with his smirking smile. “It was a great pleasure to make your acquaintance, Lady—pardon,Liriya.”
He winked and walked past his brother with a slap on his shoulder and a smug smile, without another word. Clearly, the brothers—cousins—didn’t need to have verbal conversation between them, they could practicallyreadeach other. When Cedric exited the room and closed the door behind him, the young king turned to her.
Their eyes locked and they stared at each other for a second. Liriya felt like the world closed around them and her heart galloped.
“Liriya?” King Luke broke the silence, taking slow and small strides towards her. “That’s what you’re called, my lady?”
He reached for his mask and removed it from his eyes.
Liriya’s hand reached for the mahogany desk behind her and gripped its edge for solace.Sweet dolphins, he is so beautiful.
“Y-yes, Your Majesty,” she stammered.
A soft smile danced on his plump rose lips. “That’s a beautiful name.” He kept walking closer and stopped in front of her, leaving respectable distance between them. “And though the masks come off only at midnight sharp, I’m immensely eager to see your face again. May I?”
“Yes,” Liriya agreed. However, before she could reach for the mask, King Luke’s fingers did and took it off from her face ever so delicately.
She froze at his touch, the mere brush of his fingertips against her skin left it burning when he pulled away, with the mask in his hand. His eyes roamed all over her face and his smile widened, revealing a dimple on his right cheek and his pearl-white teeth.
He placed both their masks behind her on the table. “I hope my brother wasn’t a trouble and didn’t bore you?”
His inquiry elicited a laugh from her. “Not at all, Your Majesty. Boring someone is the last thing your brother is capable of, I believe.”
“I quite agree with that.” King Luke laughed, before saying, “Thank you for giving me the privilege of this time with you, Lady Liriyalda.”
Liriya’s face rested into a smile. “The pleasure is all mine, Your Majesty. I have been looking forward to this, quite honestly, too. I have a lot to ask you.”
“And so have I.” He gave her a secretive smile and offered his hand. When she placed hers on top, he clasped it firmly and pulled her with him to go around the table. “Let’s go, then.”
Something about the way he said it made her heart flip with giddiness. “Where are you taking me, Your Majesty?”
King Luke paused and turned to her. “Luke,” he corrected her, eyes softening. “Call me Luke.”
Liriya tilted her head, not fighting her smile. “Where are you taking me,Luke?” Her stomach fluttered as his name rolled off her tongue. Unlike every other time she had said his name before, tocallhim felt magical.
A glint lit Luke’s blue irises. He flashed her a grin before answering, “That is a surprise, my lady.”
“Liriya,” she corrected as he had. “Call me Liriya.”
Luke released a chuckle and repeated as her, “That is a surprise, my Liriya.”
Liriya blushed and let her gaze fall between them. When was the last time she blushed when someone male called her by her name? Never. And when was the last time someone other than her papa called hermy Liriya?Also, never.
Remembering Papa and him calling hermy Liriya, especially at their last moment together, brought a sudden pain in her heart. Her eyes dampened with tears before she could stop it. She looked away to the side, avoiding Luke’s gaze, and tried to blink them away. But Luke saw it already.
“Liriya, are you alright?” He took a step closer, inclining his head downward to meet her eyes.
“Yes.” She hurried to respond and nodded. “I am sorry, I… I just remembered my papa. He was the only one who ever called me that before.”