Page 56 of Mermaid on Heels
All pairs of eyes in the room snapped to Liriya at her outburst.
Liriya’s cheeks flushed, and she was thankful there wasn’t enough light in the room that no one but her sisters would see it. She hurried to explain, rather awkwardly, “I mean… it is the king’s choice. We should not be saying such things.”
Cedric was definitely going to tell this to Luke when he returned.Dolphins!
“No, it is okay to wish though.” Cedric planted his hands in his pockets and leaned comfortably against the doorframe. He smiled down at Kitty encouragingly before redirecting his eyes to Liriya. “I’m pretty sure you and the other elites are going to be the kingdom’s talk for the coming weeks, and even months, perhaps. Why, they might’ve even started betting on the future queen and taking favors already.” He chuckled and straightened his posture. “Anyways, I must be going. I’m promised a bedtime story.”
Liriya blinked at his last words and then thought he must be referring to hearing Liriya’s story from Luke. “Then you must not make the storyteller wait.”
Cedric nodded at each of them in acknowledgement. “You can expect me at nine sharp tomorrow morning.”
“Please let me know whenever that is,” Liriya said, glancing at Bianca.
“Ah yes, thanks forthat. The next thing to fall on my list of our tutoring sessions—how to tell time.”
Ella threw Liriya a quizzical look at Cedric’s words. “Tutoring sessions? What is he talking about?”
“Long story, I will tell you everything in the morning.”
“Good night, ladies.” Cedric turned on his heels to leave, then paused and turned back. “When was the last time you were in the sea?”
“Just a fortnight ago, do not worry,” Liriya assured him with a smile.
“Good.” He huffed out a breath. “Because we have to make sure you stay hydrated. Do drink a lot of water okay?”
“Of course, Cedric. Thanks for everything tonight,” Liriya told him earnestly.
“My pleasure, Your Highness,” he said and sent a wink Ella’s way before walking out of the house.
“What isdie hatred?” Sessa asked in a small voice, staring after Cedric’s retreating back.
Bianca choked on a hysterical laugh. “It’shydrated, sweetie, notdie-hatred.”
“And what is that?”
“It means to drink enough water so your body doesn’t get too dry or thirsty.” Explaining this, Bianca turned to Liriya curiously. “But what was that about?”
“Long story,” Liriya said and hoped that Bianca would take the hint that she was exhausted and would leave it for the morning—if they’d have time before Cedric arrived.
Nevertheless, shewouldtell Bianca everything, even about Luke’s identity that he had given her permission to share with Bianca since she had faithfully kept Liriya’s secret. Liriya was grateful for that, she couldn’t think of keeping her only best friend in the dark. For now, she just wanted to sleep.
Bianca agreed with her silently. After watching the carriage ride off with Cedric, Liriya shut the door and turned to her sisters who stared at her, waiting for explanations.
“Well?” Kitty was the first one to speak. “You promised to tell us every bit of detail when you return. So, go on and spit it out to the three unfortunate souls here.”
Bianca rubbed her temples tiredly. “Sweetie, I wish we could. But Liriya and I are tired—exhausted.We’ll tell you everything in the morning.”
Kitty protested stubbornly and Bianca pleaded with her, all while escaping to her bedroom with her sister nagging her.
Liriya walked to the room she shared with Ella, fully aware that her sisters were following.
“Liriya?” Sessa called in a soft, concerned voice. When Liriya turned to face them, she asked, closing the door behind her, “Are you alright?”
“No.” Liriya sank into the bed, a deep frown taking over her face.
“What happened?” Ella approached her slowly and stood in front of her. “Becausethisis not how I expected you would look when you returned. I expected you to be all flushed and aglow and smiling like a fool.”
“And this is not how I expected to return too,” Liriya admitted, accepting Sessa’s offered comforting hand and pulling her to sit on the bed next to her. “Confused, torn, uncertain, dreading—”