Page 65 of Mermaid on Heels
“Alright then, let’s get to know each other,” Princess Aeira announced, raising from the settee they all shared and taking the one opposite that the older couple had occupied, to sit facing each other. Liriya and Lady Riley sat where they were while Princess Lora took the couch on their left, and Lady Serra and Lady Sabrina occupied one on the right.
“We do know each other’s names, right?” Princess Lora asked, looking at each of them.
Everyone nodded.
“Good, then how about we tell each other about our families and where we’re from?” Princess Aeira suggested with a quirk of her eyebrow. Her eyes landed on Liriya. “Princess Liriya, how about you start?”
Liriya’s heart raced as all five pairs of eyes turned to her. She must startnow, put on an act of calmness and tell her story, facts mixed with lies. Liriya took a deep breath, one that she hoped didn’t look like she was trying to settle her nerves but simply preparing to open her mouth.
“Sure, thank you, Princess Aeira. It would be my honor.” She put on her best smile. “I am…” She paused as a certain thought hit her. She couldn’t tell them that she was the crown princess, it would lead to questions she would fail to answer. Crown Princesses didn’t marry Kings of other kingdoms. Liriya made a mental run through her options and immediately came up with the perfect cover.
“I am the second princess of Pearltuna. I have three sisters; two of them are here with me and the oldest is the queen—our parents passed away.”
A chorus ofsorryfollowed and Liriya winced inwardly, but forced a small smile of gratitude for them. “Thank you.”
“So, your younger sisters are with you here?” Princess Lora asked with interest. “Where are they now?”
“They were with King Luke when I left them to get ready. They should be here anytime now; he said he would escort them back.”
“Where is Pearltuna? I don’t recall hearing about such a kingdom before,” Lady Sabrina chimed in, with a tilt of her head, genuine confusion written across her face. She turned to the others from Liriya. “Have you?”
Everyone shook their heads, and Princess Aeira said, “I’m glad to know that I’m not the only one who hasn’t heard of it before. I approached Her Highness yesterday at the ball and-and—wait.” Her eyebrows furrowed and she glanced at Liriya. “I’m sorry there are too many questions now, but I’m genuinely curious—you could ask me about mine, too, though. I remember you were announced into the ballroom as Lady Liriyalda yesterday. King Luke called youPrincesswhen he announced the elites… Why?”
May the Creator bless Cedric!
Liriya offered her an easy smile. “Oh that. I have a friend here in Lectoria and my sisters and I were staying with her for a vacation. It was then that we heard about the ball. We did not reveal our identity to the public since we wanted to have a normal time with our friends, so I thought to go byLadyinstead ofPrincessat the ball. However, when I talked with King Luke, I told him the truth. But I did not expect him to call me by my original title.”
She finished with a carefree, gentle laugh.
Princess Aeira smiled. “I understand that. So, does your older sister, the queen, know that you’re an elite of the Lectorian king now?”
“Not yet, but she will soon. I have sent her a letter.” Liriya winced inwardly again.
“Would she approve?”
Liriya hated with every ounce of her being that it was Faelina’s face that kept coming to her mind at the mention of this older sister ruse. “She holds no power over my choices.”
Princess Aeira’s smile widened. “Perfect.”
“So, where exactly is Pearltuna?”
“It is a kingdom on an island, faraway.” Liriya prayed no one would question her further for details. Thankfully, they settled into merely nodding. “Tell us about your family and your kingdom, Princess Aeira. Garbia, is it?”
“Yes, it is.” Princess Aeira reached for a small bunch of grapes from the large fruit bowl on the coffee table between them. She popped some into her mouth and leaned back on her seat. “We’re two children. I have an older brother, Crown Prince Dyran. Our parents are King Titan and Queen Waverly. Luke and I have known each other since we were young. Garbia has always been in alliance with Lectoria, so now my father hopes to make it stronger with my marriage to the king—that is, of course,ifhe picks me.”
She finished with a small laugh before pointing her grape bunch at Princess Lora. “Tell us about you, Princess Lora.”
Princess Lora had a radiant smile on her face as she spoke about her family and her kingdom, Halboon. Liriya noted that she seemed like the kindest among them. Lady Riley was asked next, and she spoke about her family and her father’s position in the court less enthusiastically. She was reserved; at least that was what it seemed to Liriya due to her lack of enthusiasm in comparison to the others.
Lady Serra was… Liriya didn’t know what to make out of her yet. However, her instincts told her to keep her distance. The way Lady Serra talked about her family—more about each members’ title and position than the members themselves—and herself, reminded Liriya a little of the triplet sisters. Lady Sabrina was no less proud of herself either. And Liriya made a mental note to keep her distance from the two noblewomen of Lectoria.
“Now for the real question,” Lady Serra said, leaning forward in her seat. “Are you here for the king or the crown?”
In spite of her rigid posture that spoke volumes for her reserved character, Lady Riley threw her a look of disbelief. “Are you serious?”
“Perfectly.” Lady Serra flashed her a grin and turned to the rest. “Well?”
“Oh well, you’re the one asking, so why not answer first?” Princess Aeira suggested with a challenge in her eyes.