Page 77 of Mermaid on Heels
Lady Riley and Princess Lora threw her a look of disbelief, sitting on either side of her, obviously at her blunt words. Wasn’t she supposed to ask thekingfirst when he was present rather than Cedric?
However, Luke didn’t seem to mind. “Not at all, Lady Serra. I’m sure Cedric will see to that, right Ced?”
“And when did I become the ladies’ entertainer?” Cedric mumbled sarcastically under his breath. To the rest, he said brightly, “Sure, Lady Serra, when do you want it?”
“Perhaps after luncheon?” Lady Serra suggested.
“Noted.” Cedric flashed a grin at her and went back to his food.
Liriya’s eyes slid to Luke and caught his eyes. They exchanged a secretive smile before looking away. She had been giddy like a small girl since returning to her room from the balcony, and now, all the secret smiles they were exchanging since meeting up for breakfast sent a thrill down her spine.
Ella kicked her ankle, seated at her left, and smirked when Liriya turned to her.
“I saw that,” she whispered under her breath.
“Oh shush,” Liriya whispered back, fighting her grin.
“No, you are stuck,” Sessa whispered from her right, joining the teasing.
“I shall get you two later for this.”
Liriya wasn’t oblivious to their curiosity to know how her date with Luke had gone. When she told them about his sunrise surprise, they freaked out and demanded that she tell them everything that instant. However, unfortunately, their lady’s maids strode into the room to get them ready for breakfast and Liriya promised to tell them later. Now, they were hardly holding their patience.
After breakfast, Luke announced that Princess Aeira was the elite of the day. Hearing that, Princess Aeira smiled at him in a way Liriya didn’t quite like, but she forgot her dislike the moment she turned to Luke and caught his eyes. The ghost of a smile on his lips made hers bloom as she rose to her feet with the rest of the elites and her sisters, to go to the parlor. She looked back at him before stepping out through the door and saw him looking for her over his shoulder as he escorted Princess Aeira out through another exit.
Liriya’s heart fluttered, and the strange but pleasant sensation in her stomach was back. She couldn’t wait to get him alone tonight.
* * *
After luncheon, Cedric had the servants set up the archery range of the castle grounds and escorted the elites and Liriya’s sisters there. Princess Lora and the noblewomen each grabbed a bow and practice arrows from the quivers laid out, and stood in the shooting line, facing their targets. Liriya guided her sisters away and stood beneath a shady tree, watching the elites and Cedric firing the arrows and hitting bull’s eye.
“Alright. Now is your chance, no one is around.” Sessa stepped in front of Liriya and tilted her head up, crossing her arms. “Tell us about your date.”
“You are so cute being a human, you know that?” Liriya pinched her sister’s rouged cheek gently.
“Did Luke tell you that?” Sessa arched an eyebrow with a smirk.
Ella snorted a laugh and Liriya’s eyes widened in amusement. “No, you silly little fish, I was talking aboutyou.”
“Well, you big fish, I wasnotasking about me.” Sessa rolled her eyes with a smile. “But hey, I am cuter when I have a tail! And I do not have to lookupat you when we are in the sea—my neck hurts now.” She rubbed the back of her neck dramatically.
It was Liriya’s turn to roll her eyes. “No, admit it. You like it here better than the sea. You told Luke so.”
“I actually do miss home—but Luke told you that?” Sessa asked with bright, wide eyes, dropping her grown-up mask.
“Yes, and he likes the both of you already. He asked me if it was all right with me if he got to know you two better—”
“Yes, we heard thatandthat you had wondered about having a brother.” Ella pouted her lips.
“Oh, Ella. Do not be so dramatic. You know I would never wish for a brother in your place; you two are the best little sisters ever. But for another sibling, yes Ihadwished for a brother.”
Ella kept pouting and Sessa copied her.
“Alright then, keep pouting. I am not going to tell you about my date.”
Sessa gasped lightly. “You would not dare!”