Page 85 of Mermaid on Heels
Luke and Cedric sat at the dining table when they stepped out onto the balcony. Both men immediately stopped talking and rose to their feet, grinning. Luke stepped forward and kissed Liriya’s cheek and they all sat down. Throughout the meal, Liriya couldn’t help notice how comfortable and familiar they had grown with each other; even Ella and Cedric with their occasional jab at each other.
She met Luke’s eyes and beamed, somehow realizing that he was thinking the same.
Over these days, her sisters had grown close to Luke, warmed by the way he treated them like a big brother, just as he had grown closer with them. Same could be said for Cedric and Liriya; they had become the closest of friends. He was as good as a second brother to Sessa, too. However, Ella had rather complicated feelings towards him. Liriya suspected it was a blossoming romance.
Perhaps the crown of Pearltuna will fall to their youngest sister after all, Liriya thought; but she kept her thoughts to herself, in the fear of Ella biting off her head.
Liriya wondered what it would be like to spend every morning like this, with Cedric’s parents included. She wanted to invite them for this breakfast too, but stealing Luke and Cedric from the breakfast table was a big enough move to tick off the elites. She was definitely going to spend the rest of the Bridal Selection as a thorn on their side for this, more than she had since the archery.
Somehow, the thought only brought a coy smile to her face.
After breakfast, Luke declared it was time to officially begin their courting, to which Cedric playfully jested, “As if the last five stargazing nights and sunrises didn’t count.”
He elicited a laugh from the girls.
Luke took Liriya down to the royal stables first, to show her the steeds. Since she had never visited there nor encountered a horse up close, she appreciated his thoughtful consideration.
The faint sounds of horses neighing and hooves striking the stable floor reached Liriya’s ears when the royal stable came into view. The impressive stone structure was located just beyond the castle. Luke led her through the arched entrance, and the scent of hay and leather greeted them.
Liriya was astonished to find that the inside of the stable was a world unto itself. The spacious interior was bathed in soft, natural light streaming through the open windows. Rows of sturdy wooden stalls lined both sides, each one adorned with a nameplate bearing the proud name of a royal steed. Horses of various colors and sizes stood patiently, their expressive eyes curiously fixed on her.
Liriya marveled at the magnificent creatures. Their velvety noses nuzzled the hands of the stable hands and grooms who bustled about, caring for their charges. The keepers bowed upon seeing Luke and Liriya, and immediately left the stable to give them privacy.
Luke tugged at their joined hands, leading Liriya towards a majestic and great, white mare with a flowing mane. “She’s mine,” he said, patting the horse’s neck affectionately, and glanced back at Liriya with a quirk of his lips. “And her name is Oceantuna.”
“Sweet dolphins, really?” Liriya stifled a laugh, astonished at the information.
“You heard that right.” Luke laughed at her surprise. “I was only fifteen when I got her, and I had always been obsessed with the sea and underwater world… Therefore, I chose to name her after my mother’s kingdom. I call her Ocean, though.”
“Oh Luke, that is so sweet,” Liriya breathed in awe, extending her hand to the mare, her fingers trembling slightly with both excitement and apprehension. “Why did you not tell me this before?”
“I saved the best part for today.”
Ocean, as if sensing Liriya’s gentle nature, nuzzled her palm, her touch as delicate as a whisper. A giggle she couldn’t stop escaped Liriya, the touch sending a thrill through her; it was her first physical contact with such a creature.
Following Luke’s example, Liriya then stroked Ocean’s mane. A delighted grin split her face.
“She is so beautiful,” she whispered, her fingers tracing the silken strands of the mare with reverence. “And this is amazing.”
“I’m glad you feel so.” Luke snaked his free arm around her waist and kissed her temple, making Liriya close her eyes for a moment. When she opened them, his eyes were on her.
“Would you like a ride?”
Excitement shone in Liriya’s eyes like a child when offered a candy—or in her case, a bubbleberry. “Yes.”
Luke kissed her temple again, as if he couldn’t help it. Liriya thought she could get used to it, yet, it wouldn’t stop the electrifying sensation and the race of her heart.
She watched him lead Ocean out of her stall and saddle her up on his own. Then, he turned to Liriya. “Ready, Your Highness?”
“As ready as I ever am.”
Luke grabbed her by her waist and swung her onto Ocean’s back with effortless grace. Liriya gasped but gained her grip, swinging her one leg onto the other side of Ocean and holding onto the reins as Luke instructed her. He then swung up himself behind her and wrapped an arm protectively around her. Liriya’s tensed body relaxed at his proximity and touch, although her heart’s rate increased.
“I’ve got you, my little mermaid,” Luke murmured in her ear, his lips brushing the top of her ear.
There was a sweeping sensation in her stomach and Liriya smiled. “I know you have, my mystery human.”
“Oh, am I still mysterious to you, my Liriya?” Luke asked as he gently nudged Ocean out of the stable.