Page 112 of Lightning Angel
“I know.” She nodded, bringing her hands to his beloved face. “I know, Tristan.”
And then she kissed him. Tristan returned the favor, and she felt him moving them backward from the edge of the rooftop. She looped her arms around his neck and pressed closer in her urgency, leaving no space between them. They broke apart to catch breath, just before he captured her lips in another searing kiss.
Suddenly, Tristan froze. Alexa no sooner pulled away from their lip-lock to look at him than she was hurled backwards.
It happened all too soon.
The back of her head slammed against something, and searing pain exploded in her skull. She yelped, and Tristan yelled her name. Her vision swam and blackened over as she turned toward the direction of his voice.
The last thing she saw was the lightning striking him down.
Mysterious Messenger
White ceiling filled her vision as Alexa opened her eyes. She blinked rapidly until her eyes adjusted to the brightness. Bafflement gripped her as she took in the strange but oddly familiar surroundings.
Where was she?
She tried to push herself up, and someone let out a sharp gasp, followed by Daphne’s unmistakable shriek. “Lex!”
Alexa turned to the voice and saw her best friend’s astonished face and wet eyes. “Daph?”
Daphne covered her mouth to stifle a sob-like laugh, her eyes watering even more. She composed herself before approaching Alexa’s bed. “Oh, Lexi. You’re awake!” She reached for her hand and claspedit in both of hers.
The word opened the floodgates of memories, as if it was a passkey to the door in her mind. And then, she remembered. Tristan. Their date. The lightning.
She gasped and met Daphne’s teary gaze with her own horror-filled eyes. “Tristan!” She cast a glance around the room, looking for him. But he wasn’t there. She frowned. “Where is Tristan?”
“He, uh…” At Daphne’s hesitation, Alexa realized her friend wouldn’t have a clue of what happened. Meaning, she had to play dumb until she caught Tristan and came up with a cover story. Only, what could they possibly come up with for a situation that put her in…
She didn’t register until then that she was in a hospital room.
Was she back in Harmony Hills? What story did Tristan come up with? And why was Daphne here instead of him—not that she didn’t want her friend here, but where washe?And Cassie too.
Daphne might’ve realized the questions bombarding her mind. She gave her a tentative smile and shrugged. “Long story short, Tristan told me everything.”
Alexa’s hand went limp in Daphne’s hold. “I beg your pardon?”
“I know he’s the Lightning Knight and what happened.” Daphne gave her hand a gentle squeeze, but her eyes narrowed slightly. “So don’t bother coming up with a cover story.”
Alexa gaped at her. Tristan didwhat?She opened her mouth twice and closed it, too shocked to respond. But it didn’t stop the anger building in her. Howdarehe tell herbest friend somethingshewas supposed to say? How could he not have asked her, or at least let her know before he did?
Daphne raised a perfect eyebrow at her prolonged silence.
Alexa composed herself. “It’s not like that, Daph.” She sighed wearily. “His secret was not mine to tell, as much as I wanted to, and I made him promise to letmeshare it with you once he realized you’re trustworthy. Seems like he did.”
“He had no other choice.”
“Iwas supposed to be the one to tell you, not him.” She narrowed her eyes into the space, meant for Tristan.
“Oh, jeez. What kind of best friend am I?” Daphne groaned and sat at the edge of her bed. “Instead of asking you how you’re feeling, we’re on the verge of fighting, just after you opened your eyes on the second day of our waiting.”
At her slip of last words, Daphne eyed her concernedly, as though she feared Alexa would explode.