Page 18 of Lightning Angel
“I don’t get it—what are you planning?” Daphne asked, baffled.
“A party, of course! At Alexa’s house. She’s going to be our host. Our circle will be the only attendance, plus of course, her sister Cassie. We’re going to have a girls’ night, crash at your place, and… yeah. Like that, we’re gonna help you get back to your old self.”
So, Melissa would plan a party for Alexa thatAlexashould host atherhouse, all for the fuss of cheering her up. How pathetic was this girl?
Alexa’s blood boiled. First of all, she was doing just fine; she didn’t need help, especially from a self-righteous, I-know-everything, spoiled brat. She couldn’t keep this up anymore. This mean girl pretense should end here.
“That’s so thoughtful of you, Melissa,” Alexa began with a fake sweet smile. “But I’m good, thank you.” She wanted to see if she was treading on thin ice before she dropped the bomb; she wanted to see Melissa’s reaction to her rejection.
“Oh, but you’renotgood.” Not to her surprise, Melissa’s smile tightened, and her icy-blue irises turned even icier.
Alexa crossed her arms and tilted her head. “And who are you to decide that?”
“Because I’m done seeing you moping around.”
Alexa dropped her arms and glared at the other girl, losing her cool completely. “What’s your problem?” she asked at the same time Daphne stepped up to her defense.
“Leave her alone, Melissa.”
Alexa could practicallyseeMelissa boiling in rage; a storm brewed in her eyes. She stared Alexa down. “You’re lucky you’re one of us, girl, and you better—”
“I’m quitting the circle.”
There was a collective silence. Someone next to Melissa gasped, but no one spoke.
“I’ll give you time to cool off, Alexa. Don’t jump to a conclusion and regret your—”
“I know what I want, Melissa. I was long done with you and your so-called mean girl club. I’m actually a littlelateto let you know this.”
No one dared to cross Melissa unless they wished to be her sworn enemy or the target of her harassing. Alexa knew what she was doing.
A mocking glint entered Melissa’s eyes. “So you’ve officially become mopey.” She crossed her arms and laughed, casting a side-glance at the girls around her, and they joined her.
Alexa refused to let the rage take her. She had played this game several times over the years; if Melissa thought it could deter her, she was a fool.
She held her ground and crossed her own arms.
“So you’re no longer one of us?”
“That’s what I said.” Alexa matched her menacing smile. Oh, she knew this game too well to be deterred.
“Should I make an announcement so no one will bow to you anymore as you pass?”
“The honor is yours.”
Melissa gave her one final impish smile before turning on her heels. “Come on, Daphne. We’ve got work to do.”
“And who said I was coming with you?” Daphne asked, with steel in her voice.
Alexa brimmed with pride.
Melissa turned to Daphne, astonished by her response. Before she had the chance to open her mouth, Daphne lifted her chin and said, “I’m quitting, too.”
Melissa’s eyes rounded in disbelief. She stepped closer. “I think I heard you wrong, didn’t I, Daphne?”
Daphne sighed dramatically and tilted her head. “When was the last time you cleaned your ears, Mel?”
Melissa ignored her wit. “We are friends, Daphne! Best friends since childhood!”