Page 56 of Lightning Angel
“Harry Potter vibes. I love that.” She grinned. “Is there any other ability that I don’t know yet?”
Tristan shook his head. “This is all.”
The disbelieving smile was back on her face. “I still can’t believe I met a supernatural boy and I’m talking with him right now.” She turned to him. “This feels like reading a fantasy.”
Tristan gave her a soft smile. “I assure you, this is reality.”
“It’s just that I’ve always been a fan of fiction, obsessed with fantasy and disappointed that none of them were real. That, they were only real in myhead. So, to know that something like this—you—exists…”
“Yeah, I know,” he said, the softness lingering. “Whether my powers are part of the curse or not, I am grateful for them.”
“Me too.” She reached for his hand instinctively and gave it a gentle squeeze before releasing. “Have you… have you ever had lightning strikes after… afterthatday?”
Tristan’s face turned grim, but not with displeasure at her question. She was sure of it, from the way his eyes regarded her. “I have.” When Alexa gasped softly, her eyes wide in horror, he reached for her hands and held them securely in his with assurance. “Several times, and they were all accidental. Living off my days cooped up in my house, when I finally get ticked off about my situation, I used to venture outside in secluded places I knew of. The lightning would befall me with no warning. The first time it happened, years after the incident withmy mother, I carried my new phone with me. Once the lightning hit me, it turned to ashes in my pocket. Since then, I would never bring my phone unless I was in a building. Lightning doesn’t have the same effect on me when I’m under cover.”
“Couldn’t you just teleport back to your house when the lightning strikes?”
Tristan smiled at her sadly. “None of my abilities function once the lightning hits me. Only half an hour after the final strike I could regain them, just like my normal strength.”
“That’s horrible.” Fear gripped her soul. She grasped onto his both hands, her eyes pleading as she said, “Promise me you’d never go out like that again. If you’re bored, simply come to my house. I’d love to have you there. Just never ever go out and risk such devastating pain again, even though it wouldn’t damage you.”
“I appreciate that, Alexa, thank you.” Tristan looked at her in earnest. “However, those accidents were years ago. Now, I have a safeguard of sorts, thanks to my scientist of a godfather. When he gave me my motorcycle, he also gave me this watch.” He held up his left wrist, revealing the elegant black watch she had noticed before. “It’s inserted with an element that attracts the lightning. When I wear it, with the help of my heightened senses, I can feel the lightning even before it appears in the sky. My skin tingles intensely. That mere moment of warning is enough for me to teleport back. We weren’t so sure it would work, but I gave it a try one day. The moment I got the tingle, I teleported. It worked.
“My godfather has friends at the National Weather Service, and he assigned them to send me notificationswhenever the lightning is predictable in Harmony Hills. So far, the last few years have been easy on me. Still, I don’t always leave the house. Years of being cooped up has bestowed me with social anxiety. Why else do you think I was invisible at the funeral?”
He offered her an easy smile.
“I’m so sorry to hear that. I cannot imagine not being able to leave my house.” Alexa sighed. “So, being inside a building is safe for you?”
“Oh, no. I wouldn’t exactly call it safe.” Tristan wiggled his eyebrows and shook his head. “Being in a building is simply asaferchoice, but it’s not safe from the lightning’s effect by any means. Whenever the lightning strikes, I could still feel the pain, just not as intense as the direct one. And if I’m touching someone when it happens, they’d get a shockwave that would make them jerk away by instinct. Thankfully, it does them no harm. Little mercies though.” He chuckled sadly.
Alexa’s heart bled for him. He’d been through so much since childhood. Yet, pity was the last thing she had to offer him. No, she admired his survival; it astounded her. She couldn’t imagine what would’ve become ofherif she had been in his shoes. Just the thought of being isolated from the world suffocated her.
Though he claimed to have social anxiety, it was the last thing she saw in him. All that she saw was a warrior, a survivor, and a chivalrous knight. He was strong inside and out; he couldn’t have survived all these years otherwise.
“Thank you for telling me all this,” Alexa said with a grateful smile. “For trusting me with your secret. I still don’t realize how it is possible for you to trust me, but Iassure you, it’s safe with me. Though… do you mind if I tell Cassie?” she asked hesitantly. “We never keep anything from each other, and she knows you already; as Lightning Knight and mysterious Tristan, even though she hasn’t connected the dots yet.” She chuckled lightly. “I promise you, it will be safe with us.”
“Of course, Alexa.” He smiled. “I would never ask you to do so. I just hope she won’t think I’m a dangerous guy.”
“She won’t,” Alexa assured him with all the certainty she had. “Especially when she learns that you saved me—and defended me, not just once but four times.”
“You’re gonna tell her that you attempted…?” he trailed off, as though he couldn’t bring himself to finish the sentence, the smile leaving his face.
Alexa shrugged. “Like I said, we never keep each other in the dark. It’s an oath we’ve taken.”
She could only hope her sister would forgive her after she told her everything.
Betrayed Bond
Tristan called his dad and informed him of Brandon’s attempt to blackmail Alexa. When Dr. Knight asked him how he knew Alexa Ford, Tristan dismissed him saying it was a story for another time. But Alexa didn’t miss the pink in his cheeks.
They were going to the local police department to report Brandon, and Tristan thought it was best if they used the connections his dad had, to get the case moved on fast. Dr. Knight was shocked to hear this and agreed to call the department ahead of them.
After the delicious lunch and pudding Valero served them, Alexa got in the car with Tristan and rode out of the driveway. Valero rode next to them in his old yellow Ferrari to his home after his duty for the day.
Once they parted ways with him, Alexa turned toTristan. “Does Valero know about your… supernaturalism?”