Page 93 of Lightning Angel
“Not if you’d like to be my girlfriend.”
Her eyes snapped to him. “Are youaskingme?”
Tristan lifted a shoulder, barely fighting his smile. “I’d love to be your boyfriend if you’d love to be my girlfriend.”
“How poetic.” She teased with a smile, butterflies fluttering in her stomach.
“Is that a yes?”
“Honestly,” she began with a sigh, her smile faltering. “I didn’t anticipate entering a new relationship this soon, or ever again. I didn’t want to, I wasn’t ready—”
“Then tell me when you’re ready,” Tristan cut in, his hands tightening around hers. “I’ll wait for you, until you are. Till then—”
“I am ready,” Alexa interjected hastily. “I am ready now. I was just saying that I hadn’tbeenbefore—beforeyou told me how you felt for me. I didn’t think I would ever be ready, that I would be up for the risk of caring for someone and them breaking me in the end. But I… I want to know this with you.”
“Alexa,” Tristan called softly, letting go of her hand to hold her face. His eyes held a fire as they stared into hers, one that burned with his feelings for her. They flared in determination and sincerity. “I willneverhurt you. I would gladly receive a hundred lightning strikes than hurt you intentionally. I can treat you better than your ex-boyfriend did—Iwilltreat you better than the ones who set their love life as a tragic example in front of you. I can prove to you my intentions, my love, and myself.”
Alexa leaned into his touch and closed her eyes. His words were beautiful, the most beautiful ones ever spoken to her. But…
“Brandon used to say things like this to Cassie.” She opened her eyes and met his. Tristan waited patiently for her to continue, rather than admonishing her for her words. She composed herself. “I know you and Brandon cannot be compared inanyway; he couldn’t hold a candle to you. I just…” She trailed off.
Tristan sighed, understanding filling his eyes. “I know, Alexa. I will never let you down. You mean so much to me, more than I can tell you or you can understand. But in time, I believe, you will realize it.”
Alexa nodded. She understood, at least,almost.
He hadn’t cared about his exposure when he jumped in to save her that day. While she knew anyone would jump in to save people attempting to kill themselves, Tristan had not only saved her but he helped her survivethat night. He made sure she was distracted, made her smile, and looked after her…
So far, he had proven that she meantsomethingto him.
Her desires stirred. She wanted to knowhowmuch she meant to him.
Alexa met his gaze with the fierce determination that flared in racing her heart. “I want to be your girlfriend.” Then she paused, her lips twitching slightly, and quoted back his words, “if you want to be my boyfriend.”
Tristan’s eyes smiled even as the emotions he kept in check tightened the muscles on his face, sharpening his features. “Nothing would make me happier.” He leaned down and pressed a long kiss to her forehead, before winding his arms around her and pulling her into him.
Alexa snuggled against him without resistance, her heart rate escalating. She smiled into his shoulder, inhaling his wonderful scent.Boyfriend.He was her boyfriend.
As though he read what she thought, Tristan combed his finger through her hair and murmured into it, “My girlfriend.”
* * *
Cassie and Daphne were delighted when Alexa told them she and Tristan were official. Daphne squealed, and Cassie embraced Tristan with her welcoming big sister smile, but she did warn him that if he were to hurt Alexa’s feelings she would make him pay for it. They dinedtogether that day, and watching Tristan interact with her family made Alexa’s heart soar to the clouds.
Now, as she sat in her history class, all she had in her mind was Tristan, far from the lesson the history teacher was fervently delivering. The sincere expressions on his face, the warmth in his eyes, his lopsided grin, it all played on a loop in her mind.
She remained lost in her musings until the teacher directed a question at her, his voice piercing through her daydream that snapped reality back into focus.
Alexa fumbled for an appropriate response, caught off guard. Sensing the gazes of her classmates on her, her cheeks turned a shade of crimson.
“Um, well…” she began, but her mind drew a blank, unable to recall the details of the lesson.
Mr. Highsmith, the teacher, fixed his stern gaze on her with annoyance and disappointment. “Miss Ford, I allowed some leeway considering the circumstances you’ve faced recently, but that leniency can only extend so far. Your situation cannot become an excuse for perpetual distraction. It’s time to refocus on your studies and show the diligence I know you’re capable of.”
Alexa stared at him wide-eyed. Shehadn’tbeen thinking about her dad, but his words stung all the same. While she had zoned out in classes before, did Mr. Highsmith really have to admonish her in front of the whole class? Why not wait until it was dismissed?
She clenched her jaw to keep her emotions in check.
“Now, let this be a turning point. I expect your undivided attention from now on, Miss Ford. No more excuses. Is that understood?” Mr. Highsmith continued, his sharp tone grating on her nerves.