Page 3 of Dueling the Suitors
“Why don’t you come with me and find out?”
“In a moment.”
Astoria heard Emmett retreat into the room and walk towards his desk. A moment later, he walked back to the door and slammed it shut.
Skylar poked his head out.The coast is clear.
Astoria scrambled out after him and went straight to the desk. There, as she expected, was a note from Emmett.
Stay here until I return.
Skylar hopped onto the chair and then to the desk.What does it say?
He wants me to stay here until he returns.
And how long would that be?
I have no idea, Sky. But the longer the better.
Princess, you cannot hide forever.
Astoria sighed deeply.I know, Sky.
I have an idea.When she didn’t respond, he continued,you must confront your father and the wizard.
She gave a hollow laugh.I know I have to, someday.
I am suggesting that the day should be today.
Astoria gaped at Skylar.You are not serious, are you?
He dipped his chin.One hundred and one percent, Princess.
Well, I refuse. That day is not today.
Astoria’s eyes widened. He only used her name when he was utterly and completely serious. And Skylar being serious was not a good sign.
Skylar tilted his head and gave her a penetrating look.You are a princess. And as one, you are not supposed to act like a coward. As long as I stay your sidekick, I will not let you cower away from a shaggy old wizard, nor will I let you be marriedto him. Therefore, heed my words. Go to your father’s study, listen to what he has to say first, and when he mentions your betrothal, you must tell him that you refuse to get married. Of course, he will get mad and demand it of you since he cannot possibly ‘force’ you. Then, Princess, you shall tell him that you will marry the wizard on one condition.
Skylar paused with an intelligent gleam in his eyes. Astoria held her breath. Realizing he was waiting for her to ask, she prompted,and the condition is?
Skylar’s fluffy, rounded features curled into a smile.You will challenge him to a magical duel. If you win, you will not marry him. But if he does—ah, foretelling’s whisper: he will not.
And how are you certain he will not?
Because he is not the second most powerful to Emperor Cyrus, you are.
Astoria stifled a laugh.What?
I know you are shocked, Princess, but I have known this from the moment I met you. Who knows, there is even a chance that you are equal in power to the Emperor. From everything we have heard of him and his powers, I am certain of that.
But how? You have never seen me do anything half as impressive as what we hear he does.
No, but the magic I sense in you is equal to the powers we have heard Emperor Cyrus has. You have yet a lot to learn about your powers, Princess. So, you are powerful enough to beat the wizard in a duel. Think about it, Princess, this is a superior plan! Your family is well aware you are the most powerful of all the Mages in Daliston. Therefore, you can tell your father that you will only marry the one who bests you in a duel. That, he who bests you is the only one who would stand a chance against Emperor Cyrus. However, make sure you don’t tell anyone that you are the ‘actual’ second most powerful to the Emperor.
Shewas the second most powerful to the Emperor of Draken, the mighty and unbeatable Cyrus the Great? That was ridiculous.