Page 35 of Malice
“Come home. Come back to me as quickly and safely as you can.”
She exhaled, letting some of the tension she hadn’t been aware she’d been holding onto to release with that breath. She didn’t know what she’d been worried about. Maybe something in the back of her mind had been afraid he would tell her not to come back. That was ridiculous. She was driving his truck. She’d need to take it back to him if nothing else. But he had saidcome home, not come back here, or come back to the ranch, which told her something. And probably as much about herself as about him.
Bonnie shook her head. Now wasn’t the time to get into some deep philosophic thought about words and how a person used them. Now she needed to worry about getting back to the ranch, traffic around her and Phillip.
Corey kept her on the phone and talked until she’d left the traffic of town behind and was on the highway, only a few cars in sight. Yes, one too far back to see the driver, looked like it could be Phillip’s.
“Do you need me to stay on the phone and talk you in or are you good till you get back?”
“I can make it in.” She fought to keep her voice from shaking. She could do it and she would, but why did he seem to be in a hurry to get off the phone?
“All right. If anything else happens or you get a bad feeling, call. Don’t hesitate. When you get home, park the truck at the cabin like last night, then go inside and lock the door, okay?”
Bonnie frowned, but said she would. Corey disconnected the call. She did her best to do as she was instructed. A little over fifteen minutes later she slowed and turned onto the road that led to the ranch, noticing the cars behind her got closer as she slowed, but by the time she’d turned, they weren’t close enough to identify anyone.
On the trip from the highway to the house, she watched the mirror nearly as much as the windshield, and thought a couple of times that she’d spotted a vehicle behind her, but never saw enough to be sure or whether or not it might be Phillip.
When she reached the cabin, she did as Corey had said. She parked, then got out and did her best not to look around as she hurried inside and locked the door. She didn’t know why she was in such a hurry, but once she made it inside and locked the door, she felt better. Even if only because of the illusion of safety.
Once inside, she dropped her purse on the sofa and turned back to watch out the window. She wanted to know if Phillip was following her or if she’d let her fear and paranoia blow something innocent out of proportion. There was movement off in the distance, but she couldn’t see enough to know if it was Phillip or even a car. Several other spots of movement caught her eye, but since they were nowhere near the road, she dismissed them as men moving around, either working or doing their own thing, or even trees moving in the breeze.
She didn’t know how long she’d stared out the window, wanting to know what was going on before she gave up and turned away. Obviously, she’d been wrong. It hadn’t been Phillip. She’d been letting her imagination get the best of her.
Malicestayedhiddenuntilall the men were in place. He’d watched as Bonnie had pulled into the drive and gone inside, then turned his attention back to the road. It hadn’t wavered since. The same car he’d watched the asshat get into days before eased down the road toward his cabin and hesitated at the first Y. Just as Malice had suspected he would. He hadn’t been close enough to see which branch Bonnie had taken, now he had to choose one. That was why they’d chosen this as the place to confront him.
That and because it was out of sight of the cabin. He didn’t want Bonnie to see what he suspected would happen here. Not that he planned to kill the dumb fucker. No. that would be too easy.
He waited until the car stopped then broke cover. He didn’t look around to make sure the others were where they were supposed to be. He trusted them, he knew they’d be in place.
While he’d still been on the phone with Bonnie, he’d sent messages to Ghost and Lurch letting them know what was going on. They’d gathered the men and they’d gotten in place. If this fucker hadn’t been behind her, then they would have all gone back to what they were doing, no harm, no foul. But here he was, and here they were. This would be ending soon. One way or another.
He moved from the trees and toward the car, his pistol still under his shirt and out of sight. No point in escalating this if he didn’t have to. Though, from his dealings with him before, he didn’t think the guy was smart enough to take the hint.
Malice watched as the fucker’s eyes widened when he was spotted. The man’s knuckles turned white on the steering wheel, but Malice had to give him credit, he didn’t try to leave or get away.
Determined this was only going to go one way, Malice marched up to the driver’s side of the car, stopped a couple of feet away and stood, feet set and his hands on his hips. He stared at the man for a moment, then took off his sunglasses and used one earpiece to hook them in his collar before returning his hand to his hip.
“Get out and talk to me like a man.”
The fucker’s face flushed, but he put the car in park and got out.
“What do you want?” Malice didn’t wait for the man to say anything before he started.
“That’s none of your business.” The fucker didn’t stammer but it was damned close.
Malice stared at him a moment, waiting for the man to say more. That he’d been partnered with Ghost wasn’t the only reason he’d been given his nickname. He’d had people tell him that when he wanted to, his looks could make lesser men shit themselves. Some had even called it his malevolent look. Malice didn’t think of it that way. To him it was just the I’m not believing your bullshit look. Either way, he gave it a moment to see if this stupid fuck was as dumb as he’d been acting so far. He didn’t have long to wait.
“I need to see Bonnie. I need to talk to her,” Fuckwad said. His usual bravado and attitude were missing, though it seemed like he was working back up to them.
Not if Malice had anything to do about it.
“She doesn’t want to see you.”
Fuckwad shook his head. “I need to see her. It’s important.”
“I suggest you forget about her. Drop anything you have for her in the mail and never even look at her again.” He wanted to fold his arms across his chest, but kept his hands on his hips because folding his arms would be more intimidating, but it would make reaching for his pistol take longer. And while he didn’t think this would go that far, he’d hate to be wrong and have that second or two of delay cost them something he wasn’t willing to give up.