Page 58 of Malice
“All right, children, settle down. While we’ve got a few minutes I want to go over some club business,” Lurch said scanning the group of men, and waiting for the chatter to die down. “I know we’re not all here, but that’s okay. I’m just sharing some news and I can share with the others later. First. Tuck’s required time here is up. He’s fulfilled the required year to keep this place, which means he’ll be going back to Tucson soon. It doesn’t mean he’ll be staying there full time. Last I checked with him his plan is to go back down there, get everything taken care of there, settle back into being pres down there, but he’ll visit here at least a couple times a year.”
He paused and looked around the group, then continued. “He’ll head home in about six weeks or so, and because the shit with the Diablos still isn’t one hundred percent settled, he won’t be riding alone.”
Everyone glanced around. Malice wasn’t sure what everyone else was thinking but he couldn’t help but wonder who would be riding with him and how long he might have to be gone if he was one of those chosen.
“No, none of you will be volunteered to be his escort. That’s not saying if you want to, you can’t ride along. In a month or so we’ll have a group of Souls come up from the original chapter. They’ll spend some time up here, then ride back with Tuck. I’m not sure yet who all will be making the trip, but as of right now, the only one I’m sure of is Sadist. Some of the women may come as well, that’s not yet decided.
“For those of you who are newer to the Souls, Sadist is my preferred ink slinger. I haven’t found anyone up here I’d trust yet, especially not with the colors. If you’re wanting some work done, the plan is for him to bring his gear. I’ve got a piece in mind, and I’ve been talking to him about it for a while.” Lurch scanned the men again then continued. “He’ll do whatever you like, but he excels at custom pieces. If you have something in mind, I suggest you get in touch with him now so he can start working up some ideas. If you need his number, get with Jake or any of the members who came up from the original chapter.” His eyes skimmed the group once more, pausing for a moment in the direction of the main house, then continued. “We’ll be ready to head out soon so finish up your preparations.”
Malice would need to get that number. He needed to get his colors done. And he’d been thinking lately about something else, but he hadn’t decided on just what yet. He wanted something that would always bring Bonnie to mind when he saw it. Maybe some bit of her artwork, but he wasn’t sure yet.
Malice turned in the direction of where Lurch’s gaze had seemed to stutter, and found Kerry headed toward them. He didn’t know if Lurch had more to say, but that was all he would be saying about club business. Not that any of that was sensitive information, but it likely wasn’t public knowledge, at least not yet.
From there, it only took about fifteen minutes for all the women to make their way to the barn, and five minutes later they were all mounted up and heading out.
Bonniewanderedthroughoneof the many stores that filled the more than block long Wall Drug and wondered how on earth this place had come to be. There was a bit of everything, and somehow, she’d never been here. She hadn’t even known it had existed.
“Check this out!” London said, holding a leather coat with at least a foot of fringe hanging off the sleeves. “I think Tuck needs one of these. Don’t you?” Her eyes glittered with mischief.
“It’s not too bad but trust me. You don’t want him wearing fringe that long if you’re on the bike too. The wind will whip it around and you’ll end up with bruises and welts,” Kerry put in.
“Speaking from experience?” Robyn asked.
“Kind of.” Kerry’s face turned pink. “It wasn’t a jacket on a bike, but I’ve seen what thin strips of leather can do to your skin.”
London looked at Kerry, then to each of the other women. “That blush makes me think it wasn’t an accident either. And that you probably enjoyed it.”
Kerry’s face turned even redder. “Perhaps.”
They all laughed. They had spent nearly three hours on the back of their men’s motorcycles and now they were all glad for a chance to walk around a bit, as they had the same ride back to look forward too. Bonnie wasn’t sure what the men were up to only that they were planning to meet at the saloon in about an hour, then they’d head home afterwards. She was looking forward to both, but Bonnie was loving the time with the women now, both getting to know them and the fun they were having as they wandered through this place.
“Is Malice going to move in with you or are you going to come back out to the ranch?” London asked a little bit later, surprising Bonnie.
Her eyes went wide. “Um. We haven’t talked about it. Did he say something?”
“No. Not at all, but that’s typically how it goes when one of the guys settles down, and I was just curious what you guys planned. If you have anything planned.” London turned and looked at the shelf on the other side of her, this one had ties printed with some of the local attractions, Mt. Rushmore, the Badlands, along with an eagle and stars and stripes that weren’t exactly the US flag, but left little doubt that was the image it meant to invoke.
“I had to go back to my apartment,” Bonnie said, feeling like she had to defend herself. “I had to prove to myself that Phillip wasn’t keeping me from my home. I can live on my own even after what he did to me.”
“I get that. And I get that you’ve only been home a week. I’m not rushing you, just curious.” London patted her on the shoulder then turned to answer a question Kerry asked her.
“Have you talked about it?” Robyn asked. “Have you even thought about it?” Her voice dropped so just the two of them would hear.
“I’ve thought about it,” Bonnie replied, her voice just as soft. “But I’m stuck in my lease. I’ve got another ten months.”
“Buy it out. I’m sure that will be cheaper than paying rent for the next ten months. Know anyone that needs a place? Most places will let you out of a lease with a minimal fee if you find someone to take your place because, legally, they can’t charge rent twice for the same period of time,” Kerry put in, letting them know they hadn’t been as quiet as Bonnie thought they had been. Or she’d been paying more attention than she’d realized.
“You can do that?”
Kerry shrugged. “Well, yeah. People do it all the time. There’s no reason you can’t too.”
Hope bloomed in her chest, maybe she wouldn’t have to wait nearly a year before she could do what she wanted, what she knew Corey had been so careful not to push for, not since she’d insisted that she needed to go back to her apartment. She wasn’t sure he’d understood it, but once she’d told him it was important to her, he’d done nothing but support her decision.
Yes, she’d needed to go back to her apartment, if only to prove to herself that she could. That she wouldn’t let Phillip have enough control over her to keep her from it. That she wouldn’t let what he’d done make her too afraid to live on her own. And while she’d had moments, she’d been doing it. And since she’d gone back to her apartment, Corey hadn’t asked if she was sure, or if she wanted him to spend the night, though she was certain he would have if she’d asked.
“I had no idea,” Bonnie said, her mind spinning with possibilities. Did she know anyone looking for a place? They may have been someone at work talking about looking for an apartment, but she couldn’t recall who. And would Corey want her to actually move in, not just stay a few days? She’d never know if they didn’t talk about it. She told herself to bring it up after the ride, if he’d decided he liked having the cabin to himself then there was no point in her even trying to remember who it had been.