Page 2 of Savage
“You already eat?” Savage asked, eyeing the cup in the older man’s hand.
Mac nodded. “Elyse had her heart set on the mom and pop. We just got back. The food’s great but the service is a little slow.” He checked his watch. “You probably have time, if you hurry.”
“Where’d you get that?” Savage nodded to the cup in the captain’s hand.
“There’s a gas station just down the block, the coffee’s decent and they had sandwiches, burritos and stuff. They looked good, and people were buying them so who knows,” the older main said with a shrug.
“Thanks. I better go get something before I run out of time.” He glanced at his bike and debated whether or not to take it down to the gas station. He could probably walk faster but it wouldn’t hurt to make sure he topped it off so they’d start the day with a full tank of gas.
Twenty minutes later he walked his bike back into line with the others and killed the engine. He sat there a moment wondering where would be best to eat, when the door to the room he shared with Sackett opened. Good his roommate was up. He could use the table in there to eat, then pack the last of his shit before they hit the road again.
“Morning, where’d you get that?” Sackett asked as he stepped in the door.
Savage told him as he sat and pulled the burrito from the bag the cashier had put his things in. He unwrapped it and closed his eyes at the burst of flavor. This was perfect. Just what he’d needed and between it and the coffee, would get him started on the road.
This would be their third day on the road and if Mac was right, not that Savage doubted him, their last full day on the road. They could push through and get to the ranch tonight, but if they were going to be sleeping in tents, it was better to spend the night somewhere else and arrive earlier in the day, so they had plenty of time to set up camp and get things situated while there was plenty of light.
When he’d finished eating, Savage gathered the last of his things from the room. He was carrying them, and the extra drinks he’d gotten from the gas station out to his bike. He packed away his stuff, but pulled out the small lunch box cooler he kept in one saddle bag, put the energy drinks and a couple bottles of water inside and went in search of the ice machine. One of the advantages of living in the desert was adapting to ways to keep drinks cold. He’d debated leaving the cooler behind, but now was glad he’d kept it. By the time he’d finished icing down the drinks and packing the cooler back in the saddle bags, the others were starting to gather. He made sure everything was secure then went to join them.
Donnahadn’tdaredtohope it would happen this soon. She sat in the car, watching out the window and keeping her expression blank as she watched the landscape speed by. They headed into Fort Collins with a load of home canned foods, jellies, honey and specials the others had called it, to sell at the farmer’s market. She didn’t know if she’d have a chance to slip away, but she would keep her eyes open and use every opportunity that might come her way.
She didn’t know if she would manage to get away today, but she would do what she could. The hardest part was waiting. But she knew she needed to get away soon. She had to protect her secret and soon she wouldn’t be able to.
Arriving at the farmer’s market, Donna followed directions, setting up the stall, helping unload the foodstuffs and setting up the display. She was careful to show no life, no sign she might be thinking for herself. She couldn’t let them know she was going to slip away as soon as she got a chance.
She had noticed there was a bus stop just down the street. If she got lucky, she could get there and get a bus out of town. The farther away she could get, fast, the harder it would be for the brothers to find her.
After everything was set up, she worked at the booth for a while, selling the items, taking cash, and making change.
“Sister Donna. We’re all set here for a while,” Sister Maggie said with a kind smile. “Why don’t you wander around and see what all is being sold. Maybe you can come up with some new ideas of things we can make to sell.”
Donna’s heart leapt. But she had to keep her expression from showing it.
“All right. Anything in particular I should look for? Are we just looking at food stuffs or are we open to other craft items?”
“Oh, good idea. Look at things that have been sewn, knitted, that kind of thing. It’s something the women of the commune can do to add to our income. I’m glad I chose you today.” Sister Maggie patted her shoulder then waved her off to wander the market for a while.
Donna strolled through the market, forcing herself to take her time and look at what each stall was offering. She made it to the end of the row and turned the corner, on the next row of stalls she continued to stroll along the stalls, taking time to pause and take a closer look at wares. She used that as an opportunity to check behind her to make sure no one from the commune was following her. After stopping several times to look more closely at the different stalls, and check behind, Donna felt as certain as she could be that she wasn’t being followed. When she reached the end of that row, she turned as if she was finished at the market and headed for the parking lot.
Act naturally,she reminded herself. There was too much at stake. If she acted as if she belonged here, she knew where she was going then fewer people would notice her.
As she made her way across the parking lot, she pulled the kerchief from her hair and quickly unpinned and unbraided her hair. It was the easiest and fastest way to change her appearance. Next, she looked down at the button up shirt and ankle length skirt she wore and quickly tugged the shirt from the waistband, unbuttoning the bottom few buttons and tying the ends instead. She wished she had a way to change the color or maybe get into pants instead of the skirt, but the small changes would have to do. She hoped.
When she made it to the bus stop, she looked around, hoping to find information about when the next bus would be through. She saw nothing but there was a bus approaching.
Relief and hope washed through her.
Afterthethirdfullday on the back of his bike, Savage was sore and tired. He wanted to get clean then unwind a bit. When they stopped for the night, he got the key to his room, then looked at Sackett.
“What are your plans?” Savage asked.
“I don’t know. I thought I might cruise around a little. Take a look at the town. I want to find something to eat, but other than that I don’t have any plans. You?”
“I’m going to shower first. I’ve got to get rid of some of this dust. Then I’ll find something to eat, I’m not real picky about that, but I want to find a drink.”