Page 25 of Savage
“Yes?” She turned around to look at him.
“Have you ever ridden a horse?”
She frowned back at him. “Yeah, but it’s been a while.”
“Interested in maybe taking a ride with me tomorrow? They said we’re welcome to take any of the horses out.”
She smiled, sending an odd flutter through his chest that made him want to press his hand against his chest to see if he could feel it from the outside, but he resisted.
“I’d like that. If you think it’s safe.” She lifted one hand to briefly cover her belly, letting him know what she meant, and it wasn’t that she was worried about the horse.
“I’ll find out and let you know.”
“Okay. I’ve got to find a restroom. You be around for a bit?”
“I’ll be around somewhere. I’m not sure the plan but I’m not going anywhere. If you need me and can’t find me, call or text.”
“Oh. I’ll do that.” She shook her head, turned and hurried off.
Savage reminded himself that she wasn’t used to the instant availability that most of the world took for granted. Sure, she’d had it before going into the commune, but she’d given it up when she’d joined. It would take time for her to get used to it again.
Thinking of it, he pulled his phone from his pocket and sent Kinard a text, asking if horse riding would be safe for her. Message sent, he shoved the phone back in his pocket and went in search of Lurch to find out what they wanted him to do next. He had no doubt there would be something needing done.
Donnasatatoneof the picnic tables in front of the bunk house, wondering what she should do. The men had gone down to the other barn leaving the women here to do whatever. Savage had said they were having a meeting and he’d be back later but had told her he would understand if she didn’t wait up for him.
She glanced around and noticed she was the only person who didn’t have something alcoholic to drink. And it wasn’t that she had anything against drinking or alcohol, but she didn’t want to tell anyone why she wasn’t drinking, and she wasn’t comfortable with even a sip to keep them from asking. She did her best to act naturally but stuck to water or a soda as they visited and chatted. She didn’t know if anyone noticed or not, but to her surprise, no one said anything.
She didn’t know how long they’d been chatting when the men started wandering back, a few here and there, most stopping by the cluster of ice chests where the drinks were kept and helping themselves before going to wherever their women sat and joining them.
Donna glanced around wondering where Savage had gone when she felt someone step up behind her. Since no one around her said anything, she knew it couldn’t be Noah or any of the other goons from the commune. That alone kept her from panicking. As hands settled on her shoulders, she couldn’t resist the need any longer, so tilted her head back as far as she could and found herself looking up at Savage.
“Hey babe, how you doing?” he asked, something she didn’t know how to interpret lighting up his eyes.
“I’m okay.” She found herself resting the top of her head against his belly as she leaned back slightly and continued to stare up at him. “Everything go okay?” She knew better than to ask what had happened during the meeting, but hoped he’d understand what she was asking. How had they taken being told about the men who may or may not be looking for her.
“It’s all good, babe.” He bent down and placed a quick, chaste kiss on her mouth before leaning back up and watching her for a moment. “You look tired.”
“I am, but I didn’t want to disappear on you.” She fought back the urge to yawn as he reminded her how sleepy she’d been for the last hour.
A soft smile curved his lips. “Come on. Let’s head back to the tent.”
“Are you sure? It’s still early and I don’t want to take you away from the others. I know you weren’t planning on such a wet blanket when you came up here.”
“I’m sure. Come one.” He used one hand on the back of her head to lift it back up right then waited while she stood and stepped out of the bench on the picnic table before taking her hand and heading out toward the pasture where the tents sat.
Several voices behind them called out some teasing about his leaving early. She started to apologize again but as she glanced at him, she caught him watching her. With a wink in her direction, he didn’t say a word but lifted his other hand and sent his brothers the bird without ever looking back. Laughter erupted behind them.
“It’s just teasing. And only because I’m the first of the night. It would be the same for whoever called it a night first.” He tugged her closer and wrapped his arm around her waist. “I have something I want to suggest, but I don’t want you to feel like you have to. It’s just a suggestion, okay?”
She frowned at him, wondering what he was going to suggest that she wouldn’t like. “Okay…” she drew the word out as if it had several syllables as she tried to figure it out.
They reached the tent, Savage unzipped it and held the flap open while she stepped out of her shoes and inside, then he did the same, before grabbing both pair and setting them inside before zipping the flap back up. While he did that, she turned off the electric lantern he’d hung at the top of the tent, then sat on her sleeping mat, back on her side of the tent where she’d put it this morning while getting ready for the ride.
She didn’t have long to wait, as when he had the tent secure, he came over and sat, not on his own bedroll but beside her on hers. Before speaking he reached over and picked up one of her hands, and just held it in his as both hands sat on the small gap of space between his thigh and hers. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly before speaking.
“I want to make sure you don’t feel like I’m pressuring you into something you don’t want, but I think we should move the beds together.” He lifted his other hand to stop her as she started to speak, then continued, “And I’m not talking just the mats like I did last night. I mean the whole thing. Zip the sleeping bags together. I wasn’t prepared for how cool it gets at night and these are summer weight for the desert, not enough for up here. Together we’ll be warmer. You can wear whatever you want to bed and while I can’t stop my body from reacting, I can keep from acting on it. Just think about it a minute before you say no.”