Page 30 of Savage
But that wasn’t what mattered now. It was the woman in his arms, who just said something he’d been aching, literally, to hear her say. She wanted him.
Still, he didn’t know how poorly that walking piece of shit had treated her. And Savage would not be one more trauma in her life. He would continue to be gentle and let her take the lead.
“What more can I say?” she said after a moment. “I want you.” She slid the hand that had cupped his palm to her face up his arm to his shoulder, then down along his side.
He wished he wasn’t wearing the t-shirt he’d worn to bed in an attempt to make her feel safe. She seemed to feel more than safe. Now he wished her hand was on his skin instead of the thin cotton. Savage stayed where he was, his lips pressed against her forehead as he let her set the pace. If all she wanted tonight was a few kisses and a little petting, then that was all they would do.
He might spend the night with a bad case of blue balls, but he’d do it if that’s what she needed.
“What are you thinking, babe?” He needed something to distract him. His cock was already reacting to her hand on his body, no matter than he’d tried mentally disassembling his bike and putting it back together he hadn’t made it past removing the seat before his concentration was blown.
“I’m wishing we hadn’t worn so many clothes to bed.”
Savage found himself smiling against her skin. “Babe. That’s something that’s easily rectified.” He moved away long enough to reach behind his head, grab a fistful of fabric and tug it off, then toss it aside. “There, that’s better,” he said as he lowered himself beside her again. He didn’t say anything about her clothes or that she hadn’t removed any of them, because he was letting her go as far as she wanted, and that would be where it stopped.
There was just enough light that he could see the outline of her face. He propped his head on one hand and used the other to trace the tips of his fingers along her jaw.
“What should I do?” Donna asked, her voice hesitant.
“Whatever you want. You had your hands all over me with my shirt on, I just made it a little easier for you.”
“But I still have my clothes on.” She sounded confused.
“I’m going to leave that up to you. You can leave them on or take them off as you’re comfortable. That however will not stop me from making you feel good.” He smoothed his fingertips down her neck, then along the bend to her shoulder.
One of her hands brushed his arm, as if she wasn’t sure where he was, then her fingers curled around his bicep with more pressure. He wasn’t sure if she was waiting for him to react in some way or if she was just becoming more sure of what she was doing. Either way he wouldn’t stop her, not unless he had to. He loved getting to experience her becoming more certain of herself. Even if he couldn’t see her at the moment.
“I need you to tell me what you like, babe.”
“I-I don’t know.” She stuttered at first, and he could tell from her tone and the way her skin heated that she was embarrassed.
“I’m looking for feedback here, babe, not instructions. You can do this. A simple yes or no. More or not there. Tell me what you like, and more importantly, what’s not doing it for you. If I’m not quite hitting the right spot, I want to know it.”
“I just want to make you happy.”
“I’m happy right this minute. If we stopped right now and went to sleep, I’d still be happy.”
“I don’t understand.” Confusion filled her voice.
“That’s okay, babe. I’ll show you what I mean. You just tell me if there’s anything you don’t like, and I mean anything. I’ll be upset if I find out you don’t tell me about something that does nothing for you, or worse, accidently hurts you, do you understand me?”
“Yes.” The hand that had been curled around his arm pulled away, leaving Savage to think he might have scared her.
“Babe?” He gentled his tone as he asked, hoping he could talk her back into the trust she was showing him tonight.
“You get to touch me any way you want. I want your hands on me. Anywhere you want to touch is fair game.”
“But what if you don’t like something or I hurt you?”
“Babe, unless you put my balls in a vice and squeeze. I can guarantee I will enjoy anything you want to do to me. Is that something you’re considering?”
“That wasn’t on my mental list, no.”
Savage thought he heard the lilt of a laugh in her voice. He lifted his hand from where it had been resting near her shoulder and caressed her cheek. “Good. Just remember. You need to communicate with me. I’ll do the same for you, but I need to hear what you’re feeling, okay? And if you want to stop, then we stop. To talk about something or to be done. It’s all up to you.”
Savage couldn’t help but remember what she’d told him about that fucker she used to see forcing her, and how she didn’t think of it as rape. He had no doubts. It was. But he couldn’t change it, all he could do was be sure she didn’t suffer the same treatment at his hands. And hopefully someday, teach that fucker a lesson.