Page 1 of Jake
“Tellmeagainwhatthe plan is?” Lurch asked Jake as Jake gave his bike one last inspection.
Jake fought the urge to sigh, as he explained the plan for today’s ride for what felt like the fifteenth time, though he had to admit, this was probably only the second time he’d told the chapter president, and the first time had been weeks before. And he had to admit, if only to himself, that a lot had happened between now and then.
“We’re going to Sturgis. Yes, we’re weeks before the rally, but the guys from Tucson may not ever make it up for the rally, this is their chance to visit. It would be a shame to get this close and never make it to Sturgis.”
“I got that part, that’s not what I’m worried about.” Lurch waved one hand dismissively.
Jake stopped what he was doing and looked over at Lurch. “What are you worried about? I didn’t think there was anything to worry about with this trip.”
“Tell me about this thing with the Kings.” Lurch pinched the bridge of his nose as if Jake exhausted him.
“Cowboy wanted a chance to get together, pay his respects to Tuck before he leaves town. They’ll meet us in Sturgis. They’ve got a big grill trailer that they’ll haul down. They’ll set it up at the park, people can come and go, grab food, see the town, chat, and have a little fun.”
“Are you sure that’s what they’re after? Are you sure they’re not harboring some kind of beef and trying to lure us out?”
Jake shook his head. “No chance. We’re on good terms with them. Yes, there was a bit of a beef with them last year, but that was under their previous president. That incident triggered a coup. Cowboy’s the new president and he’s done everything he can to make sure we’re on good terms. They help us and we help them, as far as that goes.”
“We’re taking our women. Are you sure it will be safe?”
“I’d say ninety-eight percent sure.”
Lurch stared back at him. “Ninety-eight percent? Are you willing to risk Kerry’s life on ninety-eight percent?”
Jake scowled. “I would. I’d risk my own mother’s life on that same ninety-eight percent. We take bigger risks than that every day.” He stood and faced the president of the chapter where Jake had decided to make his new home. “We get in a car, we get on a bike, we put our lives in not just our own hands, but the hands of every other person on the road, just by going from one place to another. We risk that everyone on the road is paying the same attention to traffic, or more, that we are. We risk that there won’t be a robbery while we’re in the gas station. We risk that we won’t be victims of a drive by shooting or a car-jacking. Then there’s the risk of developing an allergy or encountering what you have an allergy to. If you really think about it, you’re risking death every time you eat, whether it’s a snack or a meal or even just drinking your morning coffee.”
Jake watched as Lurch slowly lifted one brow, but continued watching him without saying a word.
“What I’m saying is that if there’s a risk to our women, then I’m confident it won’t come from the Kings of Destruction. Their new leadership wants to be allies and is doing everything he can to that purpose. If it helps, they’re bringing their women too.”
“You could have led with that. It does help. While yes, most clubs aren’t as protective of their women as we are, they don’t typically bring them into trouble, at least not on purpose.”
“Sorry. If I’d known it would make that much difference, I would have led with it. Any other concerns?”
“Nothing worth mentioning. Still planning to have us start the pre-ride meeting in an hour?” Lurch glanced toward the clearing they were using as the main camp, then back to Jake.
“That’s the plan. I want to make sure there are no problems with my bike then I’ll head over and be ready in case anyone has questions before the meeting.”
“Sounds good. I’ll see you there. I’ve got a couple of things to do before time to head out.”
“See you.” Jake went back to checking his bike, and when he’d finished, he made his way to the clearing, where he grabbed a soda from one of the coolers and went to one of the tables. He sat on the tabletop, propped one foot on the bench and cracked the seal on his soda. Everyone would start gathering soon, then he’d have to be ready to give people directions.
He couldn’t wait to get on the road, there he would be able to relax, to lose himself in the ride, the wind in his face and the bike between his legs. Everything else would fade until it didn’t matter. At least that was the plan.
TheyreachedSturgiswithno problems, Jake let everyone know they’d be serving lunch at the park, where he’d let people know the plan for the afternoon and when food would be available, then had rounded up Talon and Steele and took them to find Miles.
“Where are you setting up the grill? I’ve got a couple of men to help with the cooking.” He jerked one thumb over his shoulder to where the two prospects followed him.
“I’ve got a couple of men setting up the grill and the rest of the gear over there, on the edge of the lot. There are tables not far away people can use to eat, or they can wander off as they see fit. You been here before?” Miles asked.
“I haven’t.” Jake shook his head. “I haven’t been up north very long, but I’m getting to know the area, slowly.”
“Good. We usually come down a couple times a year, not always for the rally, but we try to make it at least once or twice a summer. It’s a good place for meet ups, as people not from the area are usually up for a chance to see Sturgis, even in the off season.”
“I totally get that. It’s exactly why I chose it. We’ve got some visitors up from the charter chapter. I thought it would be an interesting visit for them, plus I hadn’t made it here yet.”
Miles nodded. “If you haven’t been here yet, I can recommend a couple of places to visit if you’d like. I can make sure things get done here so we’re ready to feed everyone.”