Page 26 of Jake
Heatherblinkedseveraltimes,wondering if she should say something about the kiss Aaron had planted on her, as if it was something they’d always done. She stared at him for a few seconds then decided she wasn’t sure what she wanted to say, not yet. So she put the truck in gear and followed his directions.
Thirty minutes later, she’d parked the trailer and working together, they’d managed to get it hooked up to both power and sewer, now she just had to finish with the set up and get it leveled. Thankfully, the spot he’d had her park in looked pretty level already. She had been surprised when he’d told her there was a sewer hookup so she wouldn’t need to rely on the bunkhouse bathroom, but she wasn’t sure how much she’d use the trailer for that anyway. Bathrooms in trailers tended to be small and cramped. Still, she’d figure it out as they went along.
“What else needs to be done?” Aaron asked, as he stood to one side, hands on his hips as he looked from one end of the trailer to the other.
“We need to drop the jacks and level it. I can do it if you’ve got something else to do.”
“No, Lynnie, I’m yours all afternoon, unless something big comes up, and there’s no reason to think anything will.”
“Thanks.” She couldn’t help the warmth that spread through her at the idea. She went to the storage box and pulled out the cordless drill and fitting Matt had told her were for the jacks, as well as the level that would sit on the tongue.
“Here, let me help.” Aaron took the drill and went around the trailer, running each one until it hit the ground. “What needs more lift?” He stood on the other side of the tongue from where she stood.
“Let me see.” She set the small level on the tongue and waited a moment for the air bubble to settle. Another ten minutes of her shouting directions and Aaron working the jacks and they had the trailer all set. He put away the drill while she went inside and opened up the slides. She stood in the doorway looking around, thinking she could stay in here a lot more than the few days she had planned, if she needed to. Hell, this might be bigger than her first apartment, and it was a hell of a lot nicer. Aaron came up the stairs behind her, she didn’t move, knowing there was enough space for him to step up inside, and she wasn’t through taking the place in.
“What do you think, Lynnie? Is it doable?” Aaron came up behind her, his hands settled on her hips, and she felt his jaw alongside her ear as he spoke softly.
“I was just thinking about how nice it is. I think it’s bigger than my first apartment.”
“I know it’s more space than I have inside,” he said, “and it’s all yours.”
“I’d be willing to share if you need some space.” She couldn’t help the grin that made its way across her face as she continued, “I think the couch makes out into a bed.” She wanted to turn and look at him, to gauge his reaction, but she didn’t want to move from where she was now. She liked having his hands on her. Besides, they were just starting to get to know each other again. It was too soon to invite him to share her bed. Yet.
“Lynnie,” his voice had dropped to a low rumble that made her stomach flip and heat pool low in her belly. “If I’m sharing this place with you, I’m not going to be sleeping on the couch.”
She let her head drop, trying to figure out how to tell him she wasn’t ready for that, not yet. It was too soon. Not because she’d only gotten away from Mitch a couple of weeks ago, but because she didn’t know him that well, not anymore. Yes, she’d come to spend a few days with him, but that was because he had things going on and couldn’t come up to see her. The distance was just too much with what he had going on in his life. She had nothing tying her to Dickenson, so it worked for her to come closer to him. Still, that didn’t mean she was ready to jump in to bed with him.
“Relax, Lynnie. I’m not pushing. I just wanted to let you know I’m not playing games here. I am and have always been serious about you.”
That caught her attention. She turned to face him, the hands he’d set on her hips sliding as she moved, sending flutters of anticipation through her.
“As long as I can remember.” Aaron’s voice was little more than a whisper, but it didn’t need to be more. She heard him just fine.
Her heart fluttered in her chest. “But you never said anything back then.” She wished he had. She would have gone out with him in a heartbeat.
“As I told you on the phone the other day, I was a chicken, and about the time I built up enough guts to ask, I found out we were leaving. Then I didn’t ask on purpose. I didn’t want to start something only to have to leave.”
Heather lifted one hand to cup his cheek as she gazed up at him. “I wish you’d asked. I would have taken whatever time we had together.”
His hands slid from her hips, around to her back and he tugged her closer, until the fronts of their bodies just brushed each other. “I wanted to. And I’ve wished several times over the years that I had, but now I think it just wasn’t our time. If we’d dated then, then had a rough break up because of the distance, it would have ruined our chances now.”
“I like the now.” She found herself leaning closer, wishing he’d kiss her again. This time it wouldn’t be the chaste brush of lips he’d given her earlier.
“Me too.”
He leaned close and brushed her lips with his, so gently she might have imagined it, but she wasn’t about to let that be all. The hand on his cheek slid around to the back of his neck and she tugged him closer as she opened her mouth beneath his.
Aaron didn’t hesitate, his arms tightened around her, and his mouth crushed against hers, the kiss turning hot and needy instead of the chaste thing he’d tried to give her. And Heather didn’t hesitate to give as good as she got. Her nipples tightened and her entire body heated as she melted against him, letting her body tell him exactly what she wanted.
Jakehadn’tplannedtotake things this far, at least not this fast but when he’d brushed a gentle kiss across her lips, Heather had opened up to him, snapping the thin cord of control he’d had on his need to taste her. As the kiss deepened, she melted against him, letting him feel how well her body fit against his. His hand came up and cupped her cheek as his tongue tasted every inch of her mouth.
His cock ached and a growl escaped his throat as he forced himself to lift his head and break the kiss. “Damn, Lynnie, you do things to me. Things I know better than to do, but somehow, I just can’t help myself.” He pressed his forehead against hers, unable to move his hand from her face.