Page 9 of Jake
Jake didn’t know if it was because he was a Demented Soul or if Iceman was just that protective of her. And just like that he was once more wondering what kind of trouble she’d managed to find.
“It gets hot in Arizona, and I got used to that heat but it’s different, and I know this is said all the time, but it’s a dry heat. It’s hot yes, but without the humidity, it’s different. Not that it doesn’t get warm here, but again, it’s different. Here it doesn’t stay hot long, you might get a few days of it then it cools off again. Not the months of heat and humidity you get on the gulf coast or the months of steady scorching heat in Arizona. I’ve found I really like the variety.”
“I guess I understand that,” she said after a moment. “It’s still a novelty me, and I don’t know what I’m going to do, long term. Only that I’ll have to figure something out. I can’t stay on Matt’s couch forever.”
He was about to ask if she wanted to talk about it when someone called his name across the park. He looked up and saw Iceman headed their way.
“Speaking of, isn’t that him?” Jake tilted his head toward the man coming toward them at a jog.
“Yeah. Wonder what’s up and while I’m wondering, why do they call you Jake? That’s not even your middle name.”
He turned and smiled at her, wondering when she’d ever heard his middle name. It had probably come up in some discussion in their group of friends in school, but he didn’t remember when, but now that he thought about it a moment, he knew hers was Linnette. Why it popped into his head now, he couldn’t say or when he’d learned it. But he did recall calling her a shortened version of her middle name back then. She’d probably learned his middle name at the same time he’d learned hers. Before he had a chance to ask, Iceman came up beside them.
“There you two are.” He looked back and forth between Jake and Heather, as if trying to figure out what they’d been talking about then, after a moment he turned to Jake. “Lurch is looking for you.”
Jake scanned the park, looking for the man he had to remind himself was president now.
“Did he say what for?” Jake asked, not spotting him right away.
“No, just that he needed to talk to you.” Iceman pointed to one side. “He was over there a few minutes ago.”
“I better go see what he needs.” Jake turned and looked at Heather. “Can I look for you after I figure out what’s going on? We can talk a little more about those plans we were talking about?”
Her cheeks turned pink, and she met his gaze for a moment before looking down at where their hands were still clasped.
“I’d like that.”
“Me too. I’ll find you before we head out today.” He lifted their joined hands and kissed the back of hers before releasing it and going in search of Lurch. He didn’t spare her cousin a second look as he headed in the direction Iceman had indicated.
“What do you mean plans?” Iceman asked as Jake walked away.
He didn’t hear her respond, though for a moment, he wished he hadn’t been moving so fast and caught what she’d said. But no, he’d been in a hurry to get this done so he could get back to her. Either way, she wanted him to find her again. He would take care of whatever Lurch needed then do just that.
HeatherwatchedAaronwalkaway, wondering what he was thinking and if he was really as interested in her as he seemed. She’d thought he was just being friendly but the way he’d kept his gaze locked on hers as he’d kissed the back of her hand made her think maybe she’d been wrong.
“What plans, Heather?” Matt’s voice was impatient as if he’d asked the question before and he was tired of her not answering him.
“I’m sorry, I was thinking. What was that?” She turned her attention to her cousin, frowning at the scowl he wore as he watched her.
“What plans?” His voice was more than a little impatient.
“Aaron asked me to dinner.”
Matt let out a mirthless laugh. “Our clubs split the cost of this meal, and the prospects have cooked it, under Miles supervision. Inviting you to eat it is not all that impressive.”
“Oh. Not this one. Dinner some other day. We haven’t decided when or where yet. That’s what he meant about talking more about it.” She turned and looked in the direction Aaron had gone. “We’ll figure out the details then.” She turned and looked at him again, wondering why he looked so unhappy. “What’s wrong?”
“Are you sure this guy isn’t mixed up with your ex or any of the men he’s mixed up with?” He watched her a moment as if waiting for some reaction.
She tilted her head and watched him for a moment, “Didn’t we just do this.” She circled one finger in the air. “Only the other way around? Weren’t you the one assuring me that the Demented Souls are allies to you and your friends so they’re safe?”
“Yeah.” Matt’s scowl grew deeper. “You seemed to have a lot more self-preservation then. I’m not sure what changed that.”
“I don’t know.” She rolled her eyes as she fought the urge to shove him. If she didn’t know better, she would think he was jealous, but he was her cousin, so that was out. “Maybe that I knew him? Maybe I trust your judgement. I don’t know why you seem to suddenly not be so sure they can’t be trusted when you were the one assuring me, they are.”
“I’m not worried about the whole club, just him.” Matt glanced in the direction Aaron had gone, eyes narrowed, as if he was suspicious. “I don’t like that it just happened that you knew one of them.”