Page 16 of Targeted By Love
I’d never been more thankful for an ensuite so he didn’t have to face the chaos of my brothers. In his eyes, they were the enemy, the ones who’d locked him away. That would take some explaining, but we had bigger issues to hurdle.
My mate returned, and instead of asking if he was free to leave, said he was hungry. I placed the tray over him.
“I didn’t know what you liked. I can make eggs.”
“This is a feast.” He spread butter and marmalade on the toast and took a bite before patting the bed with his other hand.
“You stayed with me last night.”
But I wasn’t me. I thought back to his earlier comment about me leaving.
“You weren’t you.” Rhodes’s hand with the toast paused midair while his eyes locked onto mine. “But somehow, you were still you, if that makes sense.” He bit into the toast and the air crackled with the sharp crunch. The distinct sound created a bridge between the awkwardness of earlier to a deeper understanding of who I was.
“You were aware of that.” It wasn’t a question.
Hey, I’m not a that.My wolf wasn’t pleased at being dismissed.
“I could smell your cologne or whatever it was, even though you were furry.” He shoved the rest of the toast in his mouth. “Am I making sense or did I get a bump on the head?”
He rubbed his brow, removing the furrows. “You can explain later.” My mate was tuned into my emotions because I was reluctant to have the shifter discussion now. That would lead to so many questions and a long-ass explanation.
“You’re not a prisoner. It’s a misunderstanding.”
One of Rhodes’s brows shot up. “Pretty sure I am. Unless you and I interpret the word differently.”
“It’s to keep you safe.”
“That’s what they all say.” He giggled and licked yogurt from the spoon.
“Wait? What?”
“Joking, Maynard.”
“Oh.” Whew! I knew so little about him, and he was aware of even less about me.
“Those five fools you met yesterday are my brothers.”
“Interesting family dynamics.” He studied the remaining food. “I shouldn’t be eating this.”
Shit, did he think my family would poison him? Our relationship was up shit creek without a paddle if he did.
“Wedding brunch. At the estate.”
That was a thing? Shifters didn’t do brunch, though I’d been forced to eat eggs Benedict just prior to a hit.
“Am I free to leave?”
I wanted to tell him that he had to stay here, protected, until we figured this out. First there was the issue with my brothers and the pack. But the more pressing matter was he’d been a target of a hit and the person who’d hired me might find someone else to put a bullet in his head. I needed him in a cocoon of safety or my beast would tear through me and protect him. How did I explain that his safety came above family obligations, both his and mine? But when I gazed into his eyes, I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t deny him. He was human and a rule follower, it would scare him more. He might do something rash and he’d have no protection. Nope. As much as I didn’t like it, I had to let him go.
“Of course.” I couldn’t let him go alone. “But I will accompany you.” It wasn’t up for negotiation. If he denied me, I’d hide outside the main building and keep watch for an assailant while listening to the conversation. If he launched into an explanation of what happened last night, I’d yank the fire alarm.
“Hmmm, let me think on that.” His wicked grin told me he’d made his decision. He ruffled my hair. “People might notice you shaved and changed your hair. But we can wink and say you’re working on a special project.” He tapped his nose. “Need to know.”
Crap! If only he knew the truth.