Page 35 of Targeted By Love
So much for getting any answers.
I drank another long sip until my stomach threatened to revolt, then set the glass down.
“If I drink any more, I’ll be sick.”
“And if you’re sick, I’m making you clean it up…”
The shadow-covered figure grabbed the glass and left, flicking the lights off on the way out and leaving me alone in the dark.
The smell of dampness filled the air.
What little light there had been was extinguished. Now I couldn’t even see my fingers.
“Fuck.” Ihadbeen kidnapped.
This time, for real.
Whoever this guy was, for certain he wasn’t working alone. Seb wouldn’t hand himself over to them, so if I stayed alive long enough, someone would search for me.
That someone was Maynard.
Please don’t let him come find me.
It was bad enough they had one of us. I refused to let them get another.
I tried to stand but couldn’t, so I leaned my head back against the wall and closed my eyes. I needed to conserve my strength.
Because when the light finally came, I needed to figure out a way out of here.
And make no mistake about it—I was getting out and back to my mate. I didn’t wait this long to find him again only to lose him right away. Eff that noise.
Voices echoed on the other side of the door. Looked like I was getting company.
I need to see you now!
After hitting send, I tossed the phone on the couch and made Thiago a sandwich. But he took a bite and pushed it away, preferring to chug a bottle of water.
“My mouth is so dry, and I feel like crap, as though someone jumped on my chest. Is this what humans go through when they have a cold? Gods, it sucks.”
He dozed off while I waited for Ezra. I needed someone more familiar with tech than me so we could figure out where Rhodes was being held.
The door opened, and I spun around, grabbing a vase, ready to pitch it at the intruder’s head before my wolf tore whoever it was to shreds.
Ezra strolled in, with Lake and Riggs at his heels.
“What the fuck? That lock recognizes my fingerprint. How’d you get in?”
“Did you or did you not ask me here to hack into something?” Ezra was smart enough to understand this wasn’t a social call.
“Yeah, so?”
He held up his laptop. “I hacked your password and added my fingerprint.” He whistled, an annoying habit he had whenever he got one over me or any of our siblings.
“Remind me to add a retina scanner.”