Page 27 of Echoes of Fear
“Yeah,” I answer. “The walls are gone, little one.”
With a whimper, Knox clutches my shirt as if seeking the shelter he now knows is no longer here.
“Is everyone okay?” he whispers between ragged breaths.
“We’re all okay,” Steel answers. “Focus on your breathing, little one. Taylor isn’t going to let you go.”
“Never,” I growl.
“The garage wasn’t touched,” Ghost says. “It’s a damn miracle considering it’s attached to the building.”
“Glad we all parked our bikes inside,” Blaze says. “Let’s get Knox to our house before we deal with all of this.”
Knox whimpers, and I have to suppress a growl at his fear.
“No outside,” he says in a small voice.
I don’t think he’s fully comprehended that we’re already outside. The clubhouse walls are gone. All that’s left is the kitchen island, a few walls between rooms, the attached garage, and the damn table we were under.
It’s amazing we all survived.
“I’m going to protect you, Knox,” I tell him. “Can you trust me to do that? Can you let go for just a little while and trust me to keep you safe?”
I wait with bated breath while he works through whatever it is that’s going on inside of his head.
With a slight nod, Knox settles further into my body. I don’t know how, but he’s managed to get himself even closer.
I smile and kiss his forehead.
“No see,” he says, squeezing his eyes shut.
“No see, baby boy,” I say against his skin. “Just keep your eyes closed until I tell you to open them. Do you understand?”
“Yes, sir.”
Papa would sound better, but sir will work just fine.
For now.
“Jax, you might need to stay with us for a while,” Steel says. “Between working Oasis at night and doing club shit during the day, we’re hardly ever home anymore. We can all three take turns staying with Knox.”
“He can come and stay with me,” I say. “My house is almost never empty. We’re currently using it as our club until we get ours built. You all are always more than welcome.”
Steel and Blaze look at me as if searching for something.
I don’t move. I don’t so much as blink as they search for what they need to know.
“He does only live five minutes from Oasis,” Blaze says. “And we both know he’ll protect Knox with his life.”
“But will Knox feel safe there?” Steel asks aloud.
“What do you think, little one?” Blaze asks. “You’ve only just met this man. Do you feel safe with him? Or do you want to come home with us? You already have a room there. And all of your Legos are still there.”
“No talk,” he whines, shaking his head.
“Knox, you need to answer his questions,” I say sternly. “Use your words, boy.”
Sighing, he repeats his head shake. “I wanna stay with Pa…uhm…I want to stay with Taylor, please.”