Page 18 of Echoes of Danger
“And he thought he was going to be able to keep Freckles to himself,” a new voice says.
I turn toward the newcomer and do a double take.
No way.
“Names Taylor,” he smiles. “This is my husband, Knox. It’s nice to meet you.”
“You live next door to Jacob,” Eli says.
“We do,” the younger of two, Knox, says. “Sorry we missed your visit yesterday morning. We left early to get coffee before Taylor’s meeting with a new client.”
“Are you okay, Freckles?” Taylor asks. “You look as if you’ve seen a ghost.”
I try to clear the giant knot in the back of my throat before answering.
“Can I ask you something?” I ask.
“Of course. Ask away.”
“Are you a cop?”
“Not anymore,” he frowns. “Quit a while back. Why?”
I glance at Eli before returning my gaze back to the familiar face.
“Do you know a man named Ryan Honiker?” I ask, my heart pounding like a drum inside my chest.
Knox gasps, but neither of us pays him any attention as pieces begin to click into place.
“Yeah, about eight years ago, he was up for parole,” Taylor says, his expression darkening. “I was the detective who fought tooth and nail to keep him locked up.”
“If it hadn’t been for the witness the lead detective found,” I murmur, my voice barely steady, “Mr. Honiker would’ve walked years ago on his own recognizance.”
“How do you know about that case?” he asks curiously. “He was sent to prison when I was a rookie cop of twenty-four. You couldn’t have been any older than little Jessica here.”
“Let me have her, Ma, before you pass out.”
I’m numb as Eli pulls the baby from my arms.
“What’s going on here?”
“A lot,” Knox sniffles.
“Sweetheart, what’s wrong?”
I feel Jacob beside me as concern pours from his body, but I only have one thing on my mind. With as much speed as I’m able, I rush forward and slam against Taylor, wrapping my arms as far around his body as I can.
“Thank you,” I cry. “If it hadn’t been for you, he would have gotten out sooner, and he would have killed us. I believe that with everything I am.”
“Killed you? Who would have killed you?”
“You remember the time I spent months building a case against one of the assholes in prison?”
I feel the rumble of Taylor talking, but I’m not ready to release my hug just yet.
“I remember you doing that exact thing many times,” Jacob answers.
“The one that took me to New York for a few weeks,” Taylor says, holding me tightly.