Page 2 of Echoes of Danger
“There’s a possibility that it’s not my baby,” I admit. “Jeanna was a girl I messed around with once, and I’m sure I wasn’t the only man she was sleeping with.”
“Apparently, the woman already had a DNA test done. The results are here as well.”
“And?” I say impatiently.
“I haven’t opened them, Mr. Reynolds. They are in an envelope marked,Reynolds eyes only.”
“Alright,” I sigh. “I’m not far away. I’ll be there shortly. Please take good care of the baby until I arrive.”
“Of course, Mr. Reynolds. We’ll be waiting,” Chief Walker replies before hanging up.
I hang up the phone and look around the room. Everyone is staring at me, waiting for an explanation.
“You heard the call,” I say finally. “A baby was left at the firehouse with a note saying I’m the father. I need to go and see what’s going on.”
“I’ll come with you,” Taylor says, concern etched on his face.
“No, I need to handle this on my own,” I say, shaking my head. “But I’ll keep you all updated.”
“Are you sure?” Taylor asks, his brow furrowed.
“Yeah, I’m sure,” I say, grabbing my keys. “I need to figure out what’s going on.”
With that, I head out the door, my mind racing with questions. As I drive towards the firehouse, I can’t shake the feeling that my life is about to change forever.
Chapter One
Delphi Mae
“Ma, let me come with you. You don’t need to be going anywhere by yourself right now.”
“I’m fine, sweetie,” I smile at my wonderful teenager. “You can’t afford to miss any more school. Besides, I can’t very well shop for your birthday gift if you’re with me, now, can I?”
“I don’t need a gift, Ma. I need to make sure you’re safe. At least let me come with you this morning to the interview, and then you can drop me off at school after you’re finished.”
My heart breaks for my beautiful boy. I have always done everything I could to ensure he has had a great life, but the world keeps fighting against us.
“Go to school, Elijah,” I sigh. “He’s not a threat anymore. I’ll be fine.”
“Maybe so, Ma,” he says, his voice edged with tension. “But you know better than most that the world is full of dangerous people. Most of them look like the nicest folks a person could meet. This guy could kill you and then go to church with a smile on his face. You have no idea what you’re walking into.”
Grabbing Eli’s bag, I hand it to him and reach up to move a wayward curl from his forehead. The older he gets, the more he looks like his father. A thought that doesn’t make me the least bit happy. But, at the same time, I only see Eli, my wonderful, brave son.
“We don’t have a choice, son,” I remind him. “If I don’t get a job, we’re going to end up on the streets.”
“I’ll quit school and get a job,” he says earnestly. “I’ll take care of us, Ma.”
“Oh, my baby boy,” I smile sadly. “It’s not your job to take care of us. Now, go to school, and when you get home, I’ll make us some hotdogs and tell you all about it.”
“I’m not happy about this, Ma,” he says, kissing my cheek and walking to the apartment door.
“I know, honey. But thank you, anyway. Love you. Have a good day.”
“Love you, too, Ma. You better be okay when I get home, or I’ll track the bastard down and make him pay.”
With those final words, Elijah walks out and shuts the door. But I know it wasn’t an empty threat. I know exactly what my son will do and sacrifice to keep me safe.