Page 28 of Echoes of Danger
“You’re her only brother,” Knox laughs, looking much more relaxed.
Wait? Brother?
“You can’t call yourself her brother, honey,” I tell my son. “Jacob and I aren’t a thing. Therefore, she’s just your friend. Not your sister.”
“She’s in denial,” Knox says, getting into the front seat of my car.
“Very much so,” Eli agrees, grabbing the baby from my hands and putting her in her car seat. “But, I’ve been watching Jacob with her these past weeks, and he’s tired of holding back. It’s only a matter of time.”
“You talk as if you’re okay with this,” I say, still not getting in the car. “And don’t you think I should have a say on who I start a relationship with?”
“He’s a good man, Ma,” he says, closing Jessica’s door. “I would never leave you alone with him, let alone date him, if I had even the remote feeling he was bad news. I just wouldn’t allow that to happen.”
“Get in the car, Ma,” he laughs. “Your daughter is going to get hangry real soon.”
“Sometimes, I think you forget who the parent is in this relationship,” I tell my brat of a son.
“Nah, I love that you’re my Ma. I want the whole world to know it. I’m proud of you. I just want you safe and happy and after witnessing the love the Obsidian men have for their partners and getting to know Jacob as a man, safe and happy is exactly what he’ll make you. We’ll be a family full of love, Ma. Not just the four of us, but the entire Obsidian family.”
“Get in the damn car,” I say, choking around the ball stuck in my throat.
“He’s not wrong, you know,” Knox says as I get behind the wheel.
“Shut up,” I manage to croak out. “Both of you are forbidden to talk for the rest of the trip.”
They laugh as I fight the emotional battle raging between my brain and my heart.
What the heck am I going to do now?
Chapter Nine
“Does she know to bring Knox with her?” I ask Taylor.
“Yeah, I called and told him to meet me at your place,” he says. “Apparently, that boy of yours gave my Pup a cuddle when he was starting to have a panic attack.”
“Is he alright?”
“He said his Eli cuddle helped,” Taylor smiles. “He’s a damn good kid, brother.”
Smiling, I nod my agreement.
“Ghost wants to recruit him,” I admit. “He wants Venom to train him for the Cage and as a Prospect. He has a few years before he can do either one, but under Venom’s wing, that kid is going to be one hell of a fighter and a damn good brother.”
“No doubt about it,” Taylor agrees. “Hell, he’s already as big as King. Give it a few years, and he’ll outgrow even Blaze and Steel.”
“That’ll be something to see,” I smile. “He already eats like a bull. I have to buy more than double the amount of groceries to keep him fed.”
“And that makes you happy as hell,” Taylor laughs.
“Damn straight. I’ll buy groceries every single day if my family needs me to.”
“It’s a good thing I pay you well,” Taylor laughs. “Don’t want you going broke before you can even get the girl.”
“Fuck you,” I laugh back. “She’s already mine. I just need to convince her of that. Stubborn ass woman.”