Page 48 of Echoes of Desire
“How did they get a phone inside the club?” I ask, ignoring his comment. “Aren’t they supposed to be locked away?”
“The only person apart from us and our guards that we allow a phone is you, sweetheart,” Jaxon says.
“Wait, I didn’t record it,” I say desperately.
“Of course not, baby. We never thought you did. We’re just saying, other than us, no one else is supposed to have one, and they’re always checked before entering.”
“What about the security cameras?” I ask. “Aren’t they always recording?”
“Which is where the footage came from,” Jasper says. “That’s what Knox is working on. He’s pretty pissed that someone was able to gain access without him knowing. He’s so fucking sorry, baby. He’s been beside himself since we told him.”
“Oh, no,” I gasp with a sudden realization. “Did they steal footage from the age play room?”
“No,” Jaxon says. “We had the cameras removed from in there. There is one outside the door that records who enters and who exits, but that space is always under guard by more than one person. The inside is a completely safe sanctuary for our clients. There’s one person who comes who is a huge politician, and it’s just better if they aren’t recorded while in Little mode.”
“Well, that’s good, at least. Alright, I’ll keep my head down, but you two have to promise to keep me updated.”
“We will, baby,” Jasper says. “We need to head to the club to meet with the members as they come in. We don’t have enough time to call everyone to explain the situation. Can we come back and pick you up later?”
“Where are we going?”
“Home,” Jaxon says. “We want you to come home with us.”
“Oh. Uhm. Okay.”
Someone’s phone buzzes with an incoming call.
“It’s Knox,” Jasper says. “You’re on speaker.”
“Hey, guys. I have good news. I was able to take the video down along with three other videos that they had saved on their computer. Actually, I sent a virus and crashed their whole system. Anyway, there were only eighteen views. You received that email right when it was posted, so it wasn’t up for very long. Now, about the email…”
“Breathe, Pup,” someone, who I’m assuming was Taylor, says.
“Right,” Knox says. “Okay. So, the email was sent from a burner, just as you suspected, but they weren’t very smart. I traced it back to a woman named Rebecca Cantrell. Sound familiar?”
“The check in Domme?” I ask. Becca sits at a desk near the outer doors of the dungeon to make sure everyone signs in and is a member before entering.
“She’s not a Domme,” Jaxon says. “She pretends to be, but she’s not.”
A Domme is the female version of a Dom. There are a few at Oasis.
“That’s what she tells everyone,” I respond.
“She’s controlling, impulsive, impatient, and angers easily,” Knox says over the phone. “Not a very good combination for a Domme.”
“She’ll be at the club soon,” Jasper says. “Call King and have him meet us there.”
“He doesn’t beat women, guys,” Knox says. “Even evil ones.”
“I’m sure he’ll make an exception when he learns that one of our own was on that video,” Taylor says. “He doesn’t know Raven well, but she is one of us. He’ll make Becca beg for death before the night is over.”
“Oh my,” I gasp.
“Crap, she can hear me, can’t she?” Knox asks.
“She can,” I answer. “But she’s also okay with it.”
“I knew I liked her for a reason,” Taylor says. “We’re heading to the Cage. Talk at you guys later.”