Page 66 of Just Like That
She stretched her arms. “I’m beat too.”
I pressed my lips together and nodded. The small space of the skoolie closed in on me. The air was filled with her citrus-and-spice scent mingling with the lingering smoky aroma of the campfire. “I’ll put out the fire.”
Hazel nodded, and I escaped the confined quarters to pull in deep lungfuls of fresh, coastal air.
I needed to clear her from my head.
After dousing the fire, I returned to the skoolie. I could hear movement from the back of the bus, and I had assumed Hazel was settling into the living quarters in the back. I opened a cabinet above the couch and was relieved to find an extra blanket.
I stared at the tiny couch and grumbled.
When Hazel emerged from the room at the back, she was holding a pillow and blanket. I reached for them. “Thanks.”
Hazel shifted, pulling the pile away. “These are for me. I’ll take the couch.” She gestured toward the queen-size bed at her back. “You can take the bed.”
I flattened my stare. “Don’t be ridiculous.”
“I’m not the one being ridiculous. You’re never going to fit on that couch.Ibarely fit on it.”
I scowled. “I am not taking your bed, Hex.”
Hazel plopped the blanket and the pillow onto the floor and crossed her arms. “And I’m not letting you sleep out here.”
I mirrored her stance with my arms crossed and stared down at her. With her chin raised and a glint in her eyes, she was feisty and not backing down.
I fought the urge to get lost in the comfort of her soft brown eyes.
“Rock, paper, scissors?” she asked.
“If I win, we share the bed and both get a good night’s rest. If you win, you can be a glutton for punishment and sleep out here, and I don’t have to feel bad about your shitty choices.”
My jaw clenched as I fought a smile. “You are impossible.”
Hazel grinned and thumped her fist on an open hand. “Thank you. Ready? Onshoot.”
I rolled my eyes but readied my fist.
Rock. Paper. Scissors. Shoot.
Her rock beat my scissors.
I blew out an annoyed breath. “Fuck me.”
Hazel tsked and grinned. “On the first date? What kind of girl do you think I am?”
My face heated as I watched her turn and head toward the back of the bus.
“Come on.” She smiled again. “Let’s get cozy.”
For a beat I stared at the couch. Icouldbe a pouty bitch and sleep out there ... I watched the curve of her ass as she retreated to the back of the bus—and temptation eventually won out.