Page 92 of Just Like That
Her eyes were dreamy and heavy. I kissed the tip of her nose as I slipped out from under her and stood. The sheets were tangled, and I traced the perfect shape of her ass with my palm. She wiggled and I smacked. Hazel yelped, and I enjoyed the jiggle of her ass as I rubbed it afterward.
Her lips quirked up, and I was struck by just how gorgeous she really was.
Gorgeous, and all mine.
I walked to the bathroom to take care of the condom. After I slipped it off and wrapped it in tissue, I stared at it in the garbage. It had been Hazel who’d stopped me from fucking her raw.
I stifled a groan at how fucking good it would have been to take her bare. How much I hadwantedit.
She made me reckless. I’d already had one possible child, and I hadn’t given protection a second thought when she was exposed and begging in front of me.
I raked a hand over my face, stuffing down the fact that I wanted nothing more than to fill her with my cum. I wanted to pull out and watch it seep down her leg, only to use my fingers to shove it back inside while she clenched around my fingers.
Somehow Hazel had unlocked some unhinged part of me that wanted to claim her in every fucking way possible.
“You get lost in there?” Hazel’s playful voice shook me from my dizzying thoughts.
I walked out of the bathroom to find her tangled in my sheets with a grin. She shimmied to one side and pulled the covers back for me. I had never really been a post-sex cuddler, but with her, I wanted nothing more than to be wrapped up in her until morning.
Maybe forever.
I lay beside her on my back, slipping one arm around her and gently yanking her body against mine. Her leg draped across me, and I kissed the top of her head.
I exhaled a deep, contented sigh and looked up at the ceiling.
“Amen, mister,” she said, snuggling into me. I chuckled and buried my nose in her hair.
“Safe to say your date ended on a high note?” I teased.
She giggled and curled into me. “Five stars. No notes.”
Pride swelled in my chest. “That’s what I thought.”
She swatted at me and laughed. “You’re such an arrogant prick.”
I frowned and tried to look at her. “Ouch. That’s hurtful. I like to think of it as a healthy confidence.”
She hummed and her fingers traced the hills and valleys of my bare chest. “Why did you come tonight?”
“To the date?”
She nodded. “Yes. You’re not really the type willing to get uncomfortable, so I was just curious ... why even come?”
I mulled over her question, partly annoyed that I hadn’t made it clear that I had gone out of my way to ruin Charles’s evening for the sole purpose of having Hazel to myself.
After a slow stretch of silence, I landed on the truth. “I was willing to be uncomfortable for you.”
I could feel her grin grow against my side. “Thank you.”
I pulled her into a hug and enjoyed the quiet afterglow of amazing sex with an incredible woman.
For the first time, I had the indescribable urge to crack myself open to her. I didn’t want anything between us. No more secrets.
I had to tell her what I had discovered about her sister’s meeting with my father.
I cleared my throat to break the ice. “I want to tell you something, and it’s important.”
I shifted so I could look her in the eyes, and she gazed up at me. Hope and uncertainty warred in her warm caramel gaze.