Page 57 of Toxic Devotion
“Did King call?” Rome asked.
Marco sat up and put his book on the side table. He pushed his sunglasses up and met Rome’s gaze. “No. Neil did.”
Rome’s lip curled and he was certain the man was unaware. It made him smile.
“What?” Rome grumbled.
“You really don’t like him, do you?”
Rome let out a grunt and sat down on the sun chair next to Marco’s.
“You know I don’t.”
Marco sighed, then said, “He found the little fucker.”
“Don’t tell me,” Rome drawled. “He’s close?”
“Been right under our fucking noses the whole time,” he growled.
The address was close. Way closer than he felt comfortable with.
A phone ringing had Rome arching a brow at Marco who glared at him for a second before letting out a sigh and grabbing his phone. It was King.
Marco groaned. “I have to take this.”
He headed inside, leaving Rome to watch over Dante. He’d get him out of the pool and showered. Babysitting wasn’t a partof Rome’s job description, but he did it, nonetheless. He was grateful for Rome. Fuck, he didn’t know what the fuck he’d do without him.
He’d sent his usual security home, not wanting anyone in his house he didn’t trust as much as Rome. Neil wouldn’t be happy about it, but he didn’t care. At least that was what he kept telling himself as he tried to ignore that voice in the back of his head that told him otherwise.
He picked up the call as he stepped into his office.
“Serrano,” King said. “I appreciate you reaching out.”
Marco didn’t even try to hold back his snort.
“No, you don’t.”
There was silence for a few seconds and then came a deep sigh.
“No, I don’t. Look, I respect you. I always have. But this is the kind of mess I want to keep my people out of,” King said and took a breath. “Either way, I put it to a vote.”
“Let me guess? Unanimous no?”
“I’m sorry,” King said, and Marco actually believed he was. Sorry that things weren’t different. That they weren’t truly on the same side. It didn’t lessen the sting of rejection.
Low voices had him looking toward the door. Rome and Dante. Their voices got lower so he figured they were heading upstairs to Dante’s room so he could get out of his swimsuit.
“I get it. You don’t want to get involved with my shit,” he said, trying to remain diplomatic though anger was starting to burn inside him.
“We’ve had a lot going on the past year. I can’t ask more of my people, especially for?” King cut himself off, but Marco knew what he was about to say; forhim. For Marco Serrano. The Kings had gone clean years ago, no matter what that one percenter patch on their cuts said. They weren’t in the trade anymore, buthe knew they could still get down and dirty if their loved ones were involved.
“Like I said, I get it. Thanks for putting it to a vote.”
He hung up, then cursed and threw his phone at the wall.
“I take it the Kings won’t be helping us, then?” Rome said from the doorway.