Page 61 of Toxic Devotion
Marco crossed his arms and glared at Neil.
“I don’t much care what you like.”
He straightened, fire burning inside him as he walked right up to Marco. He grabbed the man by the chin, staring into his eyes as he said, “We both know that’s a lie.”
Marco’s silence spoke louder than any words he could have spoken.
He let his hand drop and took a step back, glancing at Rome. “Put the damned gun down, Rome.”
“I don’t take orders from you,” Rome said.
“Rome,” Marco said on a sigh.
Rome lowered his gun, a peeved look on his face.
Neil looked down at the men painting the grass red. He needed to call his cleaner. Get it done fast. Marco was racking up quite the bill already.
“I’ll have this taken care of. Ain’t no one around here calling the cops, anyway.”
Rome gave him a short nod, then turned to Marco and asked for the car keys.
“It belongs to the Kings. I doubt they want to be connected to this. I’ll take it back to them. I’m sure Neil can find you a safe place to spend the night.”
A slight thrill went through him as he ran his gaze over Rome. “Got somewhere more important to be?”
“I just don’t want to be around you, spook.”
Neil shrugged, a smile teasing his lips. “Fair enough.”
Rome’s glare was almost pleasant.
Rome turned and walked to the gate where he stopped and looked back at Neil, a flash of danger in his eyes.
“Anything happens to him, and I’ll kill you,” Rome said.
“You’d better.”
Rome snorted and before he was out of the gate, Neil had his phone out, a call going to his cleaner. Marco watched him for a few seconds while he talked, then he bent down and started searching the bodies. By the time he hung up, Marco was standing with his hands in his pockets and an impatient look on his face.
“You find anything?” he asked Marco.
Marco shook his head, so Neil motioned for him to follow. He led Marco to his car and waited for him to get into the passenger seat, gaze scanning their surroundings, before he got behind the wheel. He pulled out onto the street and turned the car toward the city.
“Where were you?”
He had a feeling Marco and Rome hadn’t been sitting around waiting for those two assholes to show up. There was too much anger in Marco.
Marco harrumphed, eyes out the window.
They’d gone to the damn address. They’d gone after Alvaro. He clenched his jaw, fighting the urge to yell at the man.
“I shouldn’t have given you that address,” he mumbled.
Marco snapped his gaze onto him, fire burning in his brown eyes.
“Fuck you.”
He felt a slight pull of his lips but kept his mouth shut and his eyes on the road.