Page 74 of Toxic Devotion
He was in an armchair, a book in front of him that he was pretending to read while a smile teased his lips. Marco’s frustration had him fighting not to get up and bend the man over his desk. Marco was staring out the window, hands clenching and unclenching.
Marco wasn’t happy about Neil’s gift to the cartel. Well, Marco wasn’t happy that he’d put himself and his job in danger for him. He couldn’t exactly blame him for that. He would’ve felt the same way if it had been Marco doing it.
The second Rome entered the office, Neil gave him a little finger wave and he could practically hear the man’s annoyance in his breathing. He knew Rome hadn’t come alone and from the muffled shouts of joy coming from the pool outside, he figured Juno was entertaining Dante.
Rome’s question had Marco turning around, expression schooled, which only made Neil want to break the man’s hold on himself even more.
“They’re letting it go,” Marco said.
A few seconds of silence was followed by Rome exclaiming, “What?”
“You heard me.”
“I’m sorry? A cartel is letting the death of one of their lieutenantsgo?”
“Yes,” Marco said, his tone angry. “I wonder what made them come to that decision.”
He could feel Marco’s glare, so he looked up over his book at him and said, “Beats me.”
“I’ll fucking beatyou,” Marco growled.
Neil gave him a wry smile, letting the heat sparking inside him show in his gaze. Marco’s jaw tensed as he stared at him, desire and anger warring inside him. He knew which one would win. They both knew.
Rome was out the door before Neil got up and he could only smile wider.
“One of these days,” Marco said, eyes tracking Neil as he walked closer, “I’m gonna kill you.”
“Right,” he drawled, stopping a foot from Marco.
Marco gave him a scathing look, then pushed past him. He shook his head and slowly followed Marco outside, trailing behind him at a good distance. Marco needed a moment and once he either calmed down or blew a gasket, they’d be fine.
“Dante,” Marco yelled, seemingly unsurprised that he was ignored by the kid.
Rome and Juno were in the pool along with Dante, though while Dante was trying to conquer his unicorn floatie, Rome and Juno were lip-locked. Rome turned them around and pushed Juno against the pool wall.
“No,” Marco snapped at them.
Neil was grinning as Rome moved away from Juno.
“If you wanna fuck in a pool you’ve gotta go find someone else’s to do it in,” Marco said, a note of annoyance in his voice. He turned around, eyes on Neil as he said, “Don’t you have somewhere to be?”
He was talking to the two lovebirds, though, not Neil.
“You’re invited, too, if I recall,” Neil said with a raised brow.
Marco’s eyes darkened, sending a thrill through him.
“Now, Romeo,” Marco yelled, making Juno laugh.
Neil was smiling as he trailed after Marco into the house. When Marco turned to head toward his office, Neil grabbed him by the hand to stop him. Marco turned around, eyes alight as he looked at Neil.
“I… have something I need to do,” he said carefully.
Marco scowled at him. “Of course, you do.”
He cupped Marco’s face, fingers sliding into the man’s hair.