Page 19 of Emergence: Prequel
With everyone out of the house, Rosie and I’d spent the morning baking and getting food ready for what I assumed would be quite a few of us.
We’d had a good morning; I hadn’t spent time like this with my girl in ages, and after yesterday, it was needed. It also gave me the chance to check on her and see where her head was at.
“Do you want to talk about yesterday, baby girl?”
Rosie paused the mixer and turned to me, “I do, and I don’t,” she hesitated before continuing. “The other girls are a bit more sheltered than me, and I know it could have gotten a lot worse if those guys had overpowered us. I’m not sure if they’ve realisedthat or not. We had surprise on our side, and I don’t think they expected for Maura to hit them with that bat and knock one of them out. Plus, Ford fought like a demon. Between that and Opal kicking the one guy in the nuts, we managed to get away.
“I’m not sure if I want to go back to school, though. It’s been hard since Kyle left town. I know he hasn’t been at school with me for a few years, but he was still here while we saved money for him to go to college. Until Cash and Maura paid for it. While he was home, he kept those boys in check. I know he threatened them before he left because they’d been hassling me for a while. They don’t like being told no.
“Between those boys and their girlfriends who believe whatever lies they spew to them, I don’t want to be there anymore. I’m wondering if you’ll go with me and speak to the school about me finishing off my year online. I’ve been looking into it, and it’s possible.”
My heart hurt for my girl, and I was mad at myself for not realising something was wrong.
“Oh, baby girl, I’m so sorry. How did I miss this?” I asked, enfolding her in my arms.
Wrapping her arms around me, she squeezed, “Don’t blame yourself, Momma. I didn’t want you to know. Kyle and I didn’t want to lay extra stress on you. Not with Grudge being the way he was. And then when Kyle left, I’d got so used to not saying anything that I guess I didn’t think to tell you.”
My heart hurt for my baby girl; the fact that she hadn’t called Grudge Dad for years had always worried me a little. But when you had a father that didn’t give a shit about you, I guess that’s what happens.
Pushing her back slightly so that I could see her face, I told her, “Rosie, it’s my job to protect you, and I’m sorry I let the ball drop. Is there anything else I need to be aware of?”
“Well,” she bit her lip, looking a little uncertain, “it’s about Ford.”
Frowning, I wondered what this could be about and if I’d made a mistake telling Roman to bring him home with him, “What about him, baby?”
“I think he’s Maestro’s son, or if not his, then Chains’. He’s always looked familiar, but it hit me when I saw the picture in the hallway of Maestro, Chains, and Red. It was like looking at their twin.”
Letting her words roll around in my head, I thought about it. If what she thought was true, then Ford would definitely be coming home. My second thought was that none of the Ivor men had known about Ford because if they had, he’d already have been part of the family. That’s just the way they rolled.
Pushing Rosie’s hair back off her face, I smiled, “It’s probably a good thing I told Roman to bring Ford home with him then. If he’s their family, they won’t be leaving him, and so far all of you kids seem to like him.”
Rosie nodded, “Yeah, he’s a good guy. Really quiet but always respectful. He needs feeding up, though; he’s really thin.”
Pressing a kiss to her temple, I pushed her back towards the mixer, “If that’s the case, we’d better get these cookies done and get started on supper. Because after what you’ve just told me, I expect we’ll have a full house this evening.”
And how right I was, but the surprise for me was the gorgeous little girl who stole our hearts as soon as we saw her. I didn’t know how much I’d missed my kids being babies until I saw herin Roman’s arms when he walked towards me with who I could only assume was Ford next to him. Rosie was right; it was like looking at Roman when he was younger.
Walking past Roman, I went straight to Ford. Wrapping my arms around him, I squeezed him tight, whispering, “Thank you for what you did for Rosie.”
I had to smile as he awkwardly patted me on the back, obviously not used to affection, “Um, you’re welcome.”
Letting him go, I stifled a laugh at his obvious relief as I turned to Roman, tilting my head for a kiss, which he gave me, “Hi, honey.” Turning my attention to the cutie in his arms, I held out my hands, “Hello, beautiful girl.” Poppy leaned forward so I could take her.
Closing my eyes, I inhaled her unique baby scent and pressed a kiss to her soft hair. She was gorgeous and obviously well looked after if the rolls of baby fat were anything to go by.
“Your brother did a good job of looking after you, little girl,” I smiled at her when she turned her wide blue eyes to me. “Oh my, you are gorgeous, aren’t you? We’re going to be in so much trouble in a few years. Just as well you have so many big brothers,” I cooed at her.
Tilting my eyes towards Roman and catching the soft way he was watching us. Yep, this little girl was going to have all these strong men wrapped around her fingers.
Red walked up with an older woman who I assumed was Emily. Roman had kept me updated via text message; he’d also said his dad seemed smitten. From the looks Red was giving Emily, I’d say Roman was right.
Plonking Poppy on my hip, I held out my hand to Emily, “Hi, Emily, welcome to the Queens Wraiths. I’m Stacey. I understandwe have you to thank for looking after our family. You and Ford will have to let us know Poppy’s routine and what she likes.”
And just like that, she softened. I wondered if she’d thought she’d be pushed out. I’d make sure that didn’t happen.
Rosie came running out the door when she realised they’d arrived and made a beeline for poor Ford, who again found himself in an embrace he didn’t seem to know what to do with as she thanked him for helping her yesterday.
Patting her shoulder, he looked with wide-eyed helplessness to Roman, who just grinned and shook his head. “Welcome to the family, son. You’ll get used to the hugs,” he assured him before saying to Rosie, “Rosie, sweetheart, can you show Ford to the room off the garage so he can get settled?”