Page 23 of Shattered Hearts
I swallow without finishing chewing. “What?”
He raises thick fingers to my face and drags his thumb over the corner of my mouth. When he pulls his hand back, there’s frosting on his thumb.
He slides his thumb between his lips and licks off the icing. “Mmm. Delicious.”
And just like that, I’m turned on. I picture his tongue licking other things and have to squeeze my thighs together.
Finn closes his eyes as if savoring the taste. When his eyes pop back open, he tips his chin. “Do me.”
I choke on air. Come again?
It takes me a small eternity to recover from the lust ignited by those two little words. When my brain fog clears, I realize he’s talking about the cake.
With a shaky hand, I lift the fork to his sensuous mouth and swallow hard as the cake glides between his lips. When I try to pull my hand back with the empty utensil between my fingers, Finn’s hand appears near my forearm and shackles my wrist.
I know he can feel my throbbing pulse in his palm. What I don’t know is why he’s touching me right now.
Even when he finishes chewing, he doesn’t release my wrist.
“Let go.” My voice comes out way more breathless than intended. “I need to…use the ladies’ room.”
Finn releases me with obvious reluctance, right around the time Rory starts droning on about how dinner’s going to be served.
I’m already walking away when a reception attendant with a wide smile catches me by the arm. “Mrs. Gallagher, your table is over here.”
“What? No, I…” My voice gets lost in the shuffle. The attendant doesn’t hear me, and in a matter of moments, I’m mortified beyond all belief.
While the rest of the room eats dinner at their round tables, Finn and I are expected to eat at a Bride-and-Groom-Only table for two on the fucking stage, surrounded by all of Harper and Finn’s wedding presents. A small table and two chairs positioned side by side, facing the audience. One of them occupied already.
Somehow, Finn beat us here and has already taken his seat.
The wedding photographers have returned, anxious to get shots of us at this little table, so escaping without making a scene has become impossible for the moment. Good thing I don’t actually have to pee, or this situation would be even worse.
If that’s possible.
Once I’m seated, I drop my head into my hands and take a few steadying breaths.
“Quit it.” Finn rests a hand on my knee. “People are going to think I upset you.”
“Can you just pretend like I’m not here?”And stop touching me.
“If you don’t want to be here, why the fuck did you agree to fill in?”
I whip my head in his direction to deliver an incredulous, wide-eyed glare. “I didn’t do it because I wanted to, that’s for damn sure.”
“Could’ve fooled me.” His indifferent gaze sets my temper on fire.
Under the table, I pry his hand off my knee and place it on his own leg. “Excuse me?”
“Didn’t seem to bother you before.” He quirks an eyebrow. “You seemed fine with it during our dance.”
Fury rattles inside me like a faulty engine. “Iseemed fine with it?”
“You heard me.”
Dead family or not, he’s asking for it. “Just where the hell do you get off saying that to me?”
All around the reception hall, attendants roll out carts covered with food and begin serving the wedding guests.