Page 35 of Shattered Hearts
“Finn.” Riley spots me first, and I don’t miss the way the bright grin melts off her face the moment our eyes meet.
Don’t tell me one of my fucking friends is her type.
Fury swallows my spine, making all the muscles in my torso stiffen and bristle.
“We were just telling your bride here that marriage looks good on her.” Rory’s shit-eating grin kicks up a notch.
I focus on Riley’s unreadable face. “Well, stop telling her. We’re going to be late.”
“Where you off to?” Darren messes with some kind of battery-looking thing on the table. Knowing him, it’s probably a bomb.
“None of your damn business.”
“Our first date night as a married couple.” Riley’s cheeks pinken as the lie rolls of her tongue.
The moment we’re alone in the hallway that leads to the garage, I whip back to confront her. I spin so quickly, she walks straight into my arms. She pushes herself away from me as if I’m contagious, which only serves to piss me off more.
“What the hell?” Her blue eyes spark with anger.
“That’s what I was about to ask you.”
“What?” Her eyebrows pinch together in confusion. “Why?”
I grit my teeth. “What wasthatback there?”
“Uh, me pretending to be my sister?” She crosses her arms over her chest. “What do you think?”
“I think you were flirting with them.”
“I was not!” She’s so loud, I have to glance around to make sure no one heard her yell.
I push her into the wall with my palm over her mouth. “You’re going to blow your cover.”
Her fingernails claw into my forearm as she rips my hand away from her face. “I told you not to touch me.”
The heat of my anger weighs down my limbs as Riley and I trade glares. “I don’t want a rumor going around that my wife is easy.”
If her eyes were hot pokers, she’d run me through.
“Newsflash, Finn. Your wife isn’t easy. She’sMIA.” She drops her hands to her hips. “And you’re going to have the same problem withmeif you keep acting like this.”
Exhaling hard, I close my eyes a second and try to wring the irritation out of my tone. “Okay. I may have…overreacted a little.”
The angry heat in Riley’s expression doesn’t cool off. Not even one degree.
I swallow, shifting my weight. “Look.Relax. You’re taking this too seriously.”
Her fiery eyes widen and then narrow. Shoving past me, she storms into the barn-sized garage.
Vaulted ceilings, recessed lighting, and casement skylight windows hover overhead. Instead of stables, sleek cars and motorcycles line the walls. Riley marches into the heart of the room like she knows exactly which car we’re taking. When I grab the key and an Audi A4 chirps behind her, she pivots and stomps in the opposite direction.
The sight is comical enough that I almost laugh, but there’s nothing funny about the way Riley summons my emotions.There’s nothing funny about the way her presence erodes my self control.
When we were in the back of that limo, headed home from the reception…it was a total accident. A simple bump in the road shifted our proximity. That’s all. So why do I feel like, ever since that moment, the near-constant weight in my chest has been redistributed?
It’s just lust.That thought alone calms me as I lower myself into the driver’s seat and turn the engine over.You need to get laid so bad, you’re thinking with your dick.
When Brianne left my life, sex did too.