Page 62 of Shattered Hearts
We fall into a pensive quiet. While I sit here and ponder what the hell is wrong with me, Riley’s probably sorting through the facts we have.
Eventually, I come back around to thinking about Goatee.
Troy coming after Riley? I can see it. That dipshit held a grudge against her for rejecting him all these years. But the thing is, she’s been estranged from the Gallaghers since she and Troy ended. She’s been on her own, unprotected, for three whole years. Troy could’ve come after her at any point. I’m damn thankful he didn’t, but…why now?
I’m more likely to have a target on my back than she is. Pissing people off is part of my job description. Seems probable that Red Hill had eyes on me, and Riley wandered into the line of fire by taking her sister’s place.
But that scenario doesn’t fully check out either. Because what would the Red Hill boys have against me? I had nothing to do with the ill-fated expansion deal. On a personal level, I have no bad blood with anyone from their family. So why go after me?
She lets out a soft noise, drawing my attention to her face in time to watch her teeth sink into her plump lower lip. I swallow a groan.
Our eyes lock, and tension crackles between us. The temperature shoots up by at least ten degrees.
Pink spots bloom in Riley’s cheeks as she repositions the peas. She casts a nervous glance in the direction of my bedroom. “I’m too wired to sleep, and I’m really hungry, so do you mind if I go out? You don’t have to come with me or anything?—”
“The fuck I don’t.” Secretly, I’m relieved. Another thirty seconds together in here, and I’d pounce on her like a cat on a mouse. “Where should we go? I’m starving too.”
Riley’s eyes pop like I’ve surprised her. Maybe I’ve caught her off guard for once, the same way she catches me.
Fifteen minutes later, we’re in the Audi, heading south through the city to Riley’s favorite twenty-four-hour eatery. Some place called King Street Diner.
The theme of the restaurant is playing cards—booths upholstered in red and black leather, illustrated jokers on the menu covers, spades and clubs on the napkins, and miniature jukeboxes on every table, where people can trade spare change for their song of choice.
By the time we walk through the door, a giant clock hung over the bar reads a few minutes after two a.m. Even in the city that never sleeps, we have the place to ourselves in the wee hours of a Thursday morning.
I don’t know what I expected, but eating alone together in an almost deserted diner has all the appeal of a duck sitting on the surface of a lake, waiting to be shot.
In a mostly empty place like this, I feel too exposed. Like I’m leaving myself vulnerable to attack and tempting fate in the process. But every time I look at Riley, a sense of peace seeps into me, bit by bit, like my stress is sand draining into the lower half of an hourglass.
I’m almost calm by the time a sleepy waiter takes our order. We make small talk and listen to classic rock on the jukebox until he reappears twenty minutes later with a bowl of tomatosoup and a giant grilled cheese sandwich for Riley and a steak with mashed potatoes, gravy, and green beans for me.
We both descend on our meals. After almost killing Troy Sullivan, I’m so hungry I could have eaten this table as an appetizer. But Riley stops short of biting into her sandwich, eyes far away. Something’s wrong.
Chapter 16
“What?” On instant alert, I drop my utensils and reach for my gun as I scan the other tables. “What is it?”
Riley shakes her head, moisture gathering in her eyes.
Oh, for fuck’s sake. I made her cry?Again?
“I’m sorry about earlier.” She dabs her eyes with her sleeve. “I know I shouldn’t have called you for help.”
I have absolutely no idea what this woman’s talking about. Not a clue. “What?”
“Troy’smyex. There’s no reason you should’ve had to get involved with him. I know I… crossed a line.” She blows out a breath. “I should’ve been able to handle him myself, but I just panicked. I?—”
“Riley, stop now before you really piss me.” Checking my rising temper, I gesture to her plate. “Food’s getting cold.”
“What if something bad had happened?” She sniffles, ignoring me. “You could’ve gotten hurt or been arrested. All because of me, when we’re not even…”
“When we’re notwhat? A real married couple?” I set my jaw. Those words make my tongue fuzzy.
The frustration on Riley’s face softens to glum resignation. “Right.”
I want to grab her shoulders and shake her. Put her over my knee and spank her. I want to kiss her again, for worrying about these meaningless, insignificant things.