Page 28 of The Dark Side
Jolie was shaking as she wrapped a towel around her hand with the hairspray clenched in between her fingers. She held it out, stepping into the shower to get as far from him as possible. He peeled back pieces one at a time till he poked his head through, and when he did, his eyes widened.
"Get the fuck out of my house," she repeated before spraying and igniting it. The flame expanded like a growing storm cloud, spinning over itself till it hit him in the face. His scream was gut-wrenching as he fell out of the doorway. Fire licked at the wood where he had been. She dropped the hairspray and tore off the towel, flapping it about to put out any little flames lingering behind.
Jolie didn't know how long she had. Should she call 911 or try to make a run for it? She didn't know if she had done enough damage to keep him from going after her. She knew if she stayed here, she'd be trapped. She wasn't strong enough to do much damage to him, but she was quick.
Jolie took a deep breath and yanked the door open. He had flung off his mask, and his unknown face revealed a snake tattoo on his cheek. It was a millisecond pause that they stared at each other.
Jolie dashed for the door, but in three long strides, he snatched her ponytail just as her fingers licked the knob. He yanked her to the ground. Her back hit hard, pushing air out of her lungs, and she struggled to get it back, coughing. He grabbed her bicep in a painful grasp that made her cry. He hauled her to her feet and tossed her over the couch. Her ribs hit the coffee table, and she fell to the floor, curling in pain and crying.
A knock on the door sounded with a voice yelling, "Tampa Police! Open up!"
The man ran to the open window and dived onto the fire escape, disappearing.
Jolie held the blanket around her as she sat on a gurney in the hospital. She was tired, too drained to do much else than stare. She had spent the first hour shivering. They had given her ice for her broken ribs and medicine for pain. While being looked over, she filled out a police report, and now, after three hours, she was allowed to go home.
But how was she supposed to live there after what happened?
Adrik's card was still in her pocket, and she knew all she had to do was call, but was he responsible? How could she ever trust that he wasn't? He's a mobster, which was too close to the word monster.
Agent Mally approached her slowly. There was a disappointment on her face that annoyed Jolie. As if she was victim-blaming without even saying a word. Jolie already felt stupid enough; she didn't need anyone to say anything.
"What did he look like?"
She didn't want to remember, but his face would be impossible to forget. "Spanish. A tattoo on his face. It was a, um…snake."
"It could be multiple factions that hate Adrik."
"But I'm nothing. I'm not…""You're being watched. That much is real. Did you see Adrik today?"
She swallowed, nervous to answer, before she nodded.
"They think you mean something to him. This was a threat."
Mally pulled up a chair and sat in front of Jolie. "These gangs are very close-knit. They travel like a herd. And the ones that are on the outside get picked off. You aren't in their society yet. You are still weak enough to go after."
Hearing it made it worse. "What do I do?"
"Get as close to the center as you can."
Jolie knew what she was insinuating. But she wasn't the type of girl Mally was hoping for.
"I'm scared. I'm not daring or brave. I'm a coward."
"Not according to the police report."
Jolie shook her head. All of that had been entirely survival. She had been terrified the entire time. There was no bravery in her actions.
"I'm not what you want. Adrik wants me to become a tutor for his daughter."
Mally sat back, thinking. She felt defeated by such a statement. "I don't believe you."
Jolie gaped at her. "I'm telling the truth."
"He could get anyone."
"I know that. I told him that. But he insisted."
Mally twisted her words around, trying to pinpoint where this piece of the puzzle fit. She had worked with this family for years. They were resilient. They'd rearrange the pieces and destroy her progress if she ever got close enough. That's why she was cautious. "He likes you."