Page 33 of The Dark Side
Adrik chewed the inside of his lip, staring out the window. There was discouragement on his face, but he said nothing, and Jolie sipped on her drink, unsure what to do now.
Thankfully, Jolie's phone rang. "Sorry. It's my mother." She clicked it off.
"How do you know without looking at it?"
"Because she's waiting to make sure I haven't been murdered or sold."
Adrik laughed, and Gil sneered, shaking his head.
"You are very close with your parents," Adrik pointed out. "I am, too. Close with my mother and father."
"I think it's family that makes us who we are. Not our blood."
"Yes." Adrik proudly nodded. "Yes, good point."
Gil was gonna reply, but Adrik's phone rang. He took it from the inside of his coat pocket. Gil cut himself off to watch Adrik, confused about who was calling. "Morgan." He glanced at Gil, as if it was a surprise. He put it to his ear. "Go."
Jolie watched with interest, wondering if he'd give himself away. She didn't know if the listening device could hear the conversation. But she hoped the agent got everything she needed because Jolie didn't think she could do this again. She could barely swallow her drink because of the amount of worry in her throat.
Adrik's gaze flicked up to her, and Jolie went cold.
He murmured something in Russian.
Jolie felt her body begin to tremble.
He passed the phone to Gil and simply sat and stared at her.
She couldn't take her gaze away from him. He found out about the listening device. She should have known he'd have people to check her over. She should have never thought she could get away with something like this. He's been in the mafia world since he was born. He was too observant, too calculating.
Jolie couldn't remember how far she was from the door. Where were the guards? There were always guards.
Adrik sat back. "You lied to me."
How did she fight her case? Did she try, or should she simply run?
"Show me."
Tears burned in her eyes. He wouldn't understand. He wouldn't see the position he had put her in. She wanted a future for the children at her school. She put so much time and effort into their well-being, and to know that so many of them would be snatched away had gotten to her.
Adrik ground his teeth. "You told me it was the gym."
Her brows knitted, and then she realized he had found out about her attack. She didn't know which was worse. Now, instead of her dying, would someone else be killed? How was that any better? A tear fell from her cheek, and she didn't know if it was from relief or stress.
"Show me."
With a shaking hand, Jolie lifted her shirt. The welt expanded across her ribs, black and purple, like someone tossed paint on her white skin.
He didn't show any reaction, not that she could see.
Adrik nodded, chewing his lip and looking out the window before coming back to her. His blue eyes were dark in disappointment.
Jolie quickly fought. "I didn't want anyone to get hurt."
"So you hurt me instead. Lies to me are like knife wounds. They are a reminder to trust no one. Is that how you want to start this off?"
Tears dripped down her cheeks. She hated how clear he was with his pain. She hadn't expected that from him.