Page 36 of The Dark Side
Jolie was less than enthusiastic. "They have ways to find listening devices."
"If you get caught, just say I slipped it in, and you didn't even know. You have the upper hand here. Adrik will believe you."
After he learned she lied about the attack, the look on his face was enough to keep her from ever betraying him again. It wasn't fear he provoked. But guilt.
"I believe," Mally continued, "Adrik really likes you."
Those words made her sick to her stomach. Jolie stressed, "He wants me to be a tutor." This was complicated enough without someone putting ideas into her head.
"The conversation with him and Gil says differently."
Jolie's interest perked. She had listened to their Russian argument like she could interpret little sounds, but it had been impossible.
Trying to push her curiosity out of her voice, Jolie asked, "What did he say?"
Mally hesitated. "I don't think you're gonna like it." Papers shifted, and Mally cleared her throat. "Gil-‘You go out of your way to keep her hidden, make us eat at this odd place, and she dresses like a boy.'"
Jolie sneered. Her outfit hadn't been that bad.
"Gil-‘She’s like freaking Snow White.'"
"Gil-‘You are risking your reputation by humoring this goodie-two-shoes. She is American. If you want virgin—there's a word I'm not going to say. You can use your imagination—I can find you a—' And then Adrik cuts him off with 'Enough.'"
'Khvatit,' he said.
Jolie removed the pillow from her face to breathe and stare at the ceiling. A smile was creeping on her face. He did like her, or at least Gil seemed to think so.
"Jolie, Adrik is not husband material. You know that, right?"
Jolie scoffed. "I know." But the words sounded pointless.
"Tell me you don't like him."
"Look, ma'am, I'm a grown woman. I already have a mother. Was there anything else to this phone call?"
"Be careful. When you think you're the safest, you are in the most danger."
What the hell does that mean?
A knock on the door stopped her from replying, and she shut the phone and shoved it under her pillow. It took an unbelievably long time for her to get to the door, as her body seemed in more pain than it had been yesterday, which was impossible. They knocked again and called for her. She slapped it open. "Yes?"
Edik stood there. "I thought I heard talking."
"I was watching TV."
He glanced at the TV, but it was off.
That doesn't mean I wasn't,Jolie defended mentally, hoping it was believable.
Edik didn't care. "Movers will be here at 9 a.m. Boss doesn't want you to do anything, and he encourages you to rest."
"I have a lease on this apartment."
"Not anymore."
Jolie hesitated. How was that possible?
"My job—"