Page 58 of The Dark Side
Six days had passed since he last saw her. He wanted to talk to her for no reason but to get her attention, but sneaking into Jolie's room wasn't as easy as he hoped. Katia had conveniently slept in Helina's room last night, like a sentinel guarding Jolie's door.
The fading bruise on her arm distracted him from her gaze. It was discolored now, lighter, but so clearly a handprint. A wave of disgust rolled through him, and he quickly turned away with a muffled, 'Good morning.' He put his attention back on his cell phone. Anything else would be questioned.
Finding Jolie's attacker was another added weight, but this was more difficult. Adrik was using most of his force to find Zinof, and Alexei was in charge of it, so Gil was the only person currently searching for the man who had hurt Jolie. And Gil tended to get sidetracked with drugs and women.
Yakov joined the table and began speaking with Jolie about stupid shit. His father didn't even mention the bruise, not caring about who would harm a woman. His attention was on shopping and inviting her to go out with Katia for dresses for the family dinner on Saturday. She was surprised she was invited and expressed excitement.
A smile pressed on his lips, and he covered it by leaning on his hand. Jolie didn't know the kind of dinners they hosted. Adrik stuffed any humor down his throat and mumbled in Russian,"She's not ready, Papa."
"Nonsense," he replied in English. "You want to go, yes?"
Adrik flicked his eyes toward her, and Jolie nodded with enthusiasm.
"Then, she shall come. I want to show off this girl who saved my granddaughter's life. Katia! We were just talking about you."
Adrik glanced at Jolie again, and her eyes touched his for a moment, but she bowed her head, leaning down to take a bite of food.
"Good things, I hope." Katia rested her hands on the back of Adrik's shoulders. He gripped her fingers and brought them to his lips, playing the role. She leaned down and gave him a soft, sweet kiss on the cheek."Good morning, my beast."
Yakov smiled wide."This makes me happy. Even on a troubled ocean, come calm seas."
It was the fourth morning they showed such nauseating affection, and Yakov was eating it up. But with Jolie at the table, he nervously fidgeted, hoping she didn't take their actions seriously.
Katia walked around Yakov and kissed his cheek, too. He tapped her hand and waved for her to sit. "I was telling Miss Bell that you would take her shopping for a fine dress. One to match you in beauty."
"Of course, Papa." Katia raved, turning to Jolie, "Our dinners are extravagant but entertaining."
Adrik flicked his narrowed eyes over his phone and met her condescending smile.
Katia continued, "I would love to take out Jolie. Perhaps tomorrow."
"Of course, of course."
Alexei arrived, greeting them all a good morning. He took the chair beside Jolie, leaning in to get her to smile at him. "Hey, I was hoping I'd see you."
Jolie's face reddened, but she enthusiastically greeted him. "You work so much. I thought you would have more fun than this."
Alexei chuckled. "Nope, I oversee a lot of different things. Plus, I have to babysit my little brother."
Jolie glanced at Adrik. He sat back with his arms crossed. "You babysit me? Were you doing so two nights ago when I dragged your drunk ass out of a casino?"
Jolie put a hand over her mouth. She had never experienced sibling rivalry but knew how to spot it a mile away. It was similar to kindergarteners trying to top each other.
Alexei quickly changed the subject, asking Yakov, "What time will Mama be here on Friday?"
"Four, but I'm sure she will want to rest. You'll see her Saturday."
Alexei moved in to whisper toward Jolie, "You are going to love Mama. She's over the top. One time, she…"
Adrik wasn't listening as he watched his brother and Jolie. They were so comfortable around each other, like they were friends, yet Alexei had been just as busy this past week as far as he knew. They didn't get any extra time together.
But they also didn't have a wall between them like he had with Jolie. Alexei could hit on her in front of their father without risking her life.
It was a depressing thought. But Adrik had to keep his distance. It was better for both of them. And if she fell for his brother, he'd have to accept it and move on.
It didn't stop Adrik from doing what he could to keep them apart."Perhaps it is a good chance for Alexei to meet someone."
Yakov glanced at his son and shrugged."Can't rush love."