Page 70 of The Dark Side
It was a full moon, and they were illuminated even though there wasn't a streetlight around. He stopped the car and got out. His bodyguards kept in a distant vehicle, shutting off their lights. They had wisely stayed back when he was being accosted by the police officer. They knew better than to murder law enforcement.
Adrik opened Jolie's door, held out his hand, and waited. She needed to learn to trust him, and though she was confused, she put her hand in his.
Jolie rested against the car, with her head down, as he stood in front of her. "I like you," she whispered. "But I don't know if I can do this."
Her admittance to how she felt was all he needed.
Adrik stepped into her space, a foot between her legs. A hand rested on her hip as the other traced the curve of her jaw before resting under her chin, forcing her head up. She almost refused to meet him, but he was insistent. He needed to see what was reflected in her face.
When her brown eyes finally met him, the desire was too pronounced to be overlooked. All these things that they worried about didn't matter. He wanted her, and she wanted him. It was intuitive. It was instinct.
Adrik leaned down, brushing his lips against hers in the gentlest of touches. So soft, it was barely there. Again, he kissed her, just enough to entice her. And when she pushed herself up on her toes, pressing her lips in desperation against his, he devoured her. He pressed her against the car, her lips tangled against his. The darkness made them appear as one shadow; no space separated them. Her hands were on his shoulders, gripping his shirt. Adrik took hold of her hips, lifting her, and her legs wrapped around his waist. A moan escaped her mouth when she felt his excitement, his desire for her unprotected, hard against her. The kiss was everything she dreamed of and more.
But then she broke from him. "No.” She weaseled out of his hold. "No, you can't touch me," she said as she backed away. "That's not fair."
Adrik ground his teeth in disappointment, his fingers dancing across his lips. He rarely dealt with being turned down; it was a bat to his pride. Adrik stepped back, putting even more space between them. He wasn't a pathetic pubescent boy who couldn't control himself. If she wanted space, she'd get a whole mountain of it.
"I'm not the type of girl that just sleeps with anyone. I'm not a one-night stand."
Adrik knew this and would have been insulted, but his reputation preceded him. There was no doubt she knew about his past. Katia was more than willing to reveal all his flaws.
"You can't be seen with me, because you don't want your father to find out. We came hours away just to see each other. Gang members kicked us out of a bowling alley. You evaded arrest! That's insane to me."
Adrik let her rant. He realized it was a lot to take in for someone like her. There was little he could say to help her accept it.
Jolie groaned. "You're married, Adrik."
Adrik acknowledged how it looked, but she didn't understand what happened between Katia and himself. There would never be reconciliation.
"Are you having sex with her?"
"No. I haven't touched her in years."
Though there was slight relief, she didn't quite believe it. Jolie crossed her arms, her thumb going to her lips to nibble on her nail in obvious worry. "You're a criminal."
Adrik brows knitted. “Am I?”
She scoffed. "Don't be an ass."
"I don't follow the nonsensical rules of your corrupt government. So what?"
"I don't even have a speeding ticket." She laughed at the ridiculousness of her statement.
"Neither do I." He smirked.
Jolie eyed him, not humored at all at his attempt to joke. She swung around, walking away, and then came back with wide eyes. "How is this supposed to work? Am I supposed to be hidden away? What kind of life is that? What kind of future?" She slipped her hands into her crazy hair. "This just sounds impossible. We're just too different."
Adrik was disappointed, watching her. All her words, all her fears—they were so trivial in the scheme of things. He liked her. He wanted her in his life. All these things she talked about could be worked out eventually, but she was focused entirely on how it could never be. If she couldn't even get past the beginning, there was no way she'd make it to the end.
She isn't strong enough.
"I'll have you returned home."
"What?" Jolie stepped toward him as he went for the car door.
"I'll find someone else to tutor Helina. And you can go back to your stuffed animals and cats."
Jolie pressed against the door so he couldn't open it. "Wait, wait, wait," she begged, with her hand on his forearm.