Page 35 of Cruel King
“See? You like my big ego.”
I squint, pretending to be disgusted by him. “Let’s call a spade a spade. I don’t like your big ego. I like your big cock.”
A moan that hits me right between the legs escapes from his throat before he licks his lips and leans in to kiss me. “God, that’s sexy. I think you might be the perfect woman, you know that?”
“Really? And what gets me that special designation?”
Matthias tilts his hips so his cock glides over my pussy and clit. It’s all I can do to not close my eyes to revel in how good it feels. God, he makes it hard to be upset with him.
I wait for his answer, but instead, he slides his arms around my waist to pull me against his body. Before I can protest, or at least pretend I don’t want what’s about to happen, he kisses me long and deep, sliding his tongue that tastes like coffee and maple syrup into my mouth and teasing me so all I want is to feel him inside me.
“You aren’t going to tell me why I’m the perfect woman?”
He shakes his head and grins like the Cheshire cat. “Later. Right now, we have better things to do than talk.”
I want to say something, but my mind is blank, except for the single thought of how much I want him right now. He doesn’t make me wait and lifts me up so I’m positioned at the perfect angle for him to slide inside me. It all happens so fast that all I can do is enjoy how incredible it feels when he fills me completely.
As I wrap my legs around his waist and he begins to slowly pump in and out of me, I moan in his ear, “I should be mad at you.”
“No, you shouldn’t.”
“Yes, I should. Oh, God…you didn’t even ask if you could join me in here. What if I didn’t want you to?”
He stops and leans back to look into my eyes. “You were mad at me downstairs. Tell me why.”
Damnit! I should have just kept my mouth shut.
“I wasn’t mad at you.”
Matthias stares at me intently, and I know he’s not going to let this go. “Then tell me what’s wrong.”
I try rocking my hips to get him to continue, but he pushes me against the tile wall to stop me. “Nice try. Tell me why you were upset.”
Looking away to avoid his gaze, I fix my attention on the back of the shower where a towel bar hangs. “Please don’t do this. Let’s just get back to what we were doing.”
I snap my head back to face him, shocked he just told me no. “Are you saying you don’t want this?”
“I’m a red-blooded, heterosexual male with a hard on that could cut glass. Trust me. I can’t think of anything but fucking you right now, except for finding out why you were upset with me at breakfast. So just tell me so we can get back to having a good time.”
I want to fight him. I do. Mainly because I don’t want to admit what I was feeling before. But he makes it impossible to put him off, and truth be told, I want to get back to us having sex, so I swallow my pride and tell him the truth.
“It wasn’t anger or even me being upset before. I was jealous. Okay? Jealous, which is stupid, but there you go. So how about we get back to that good time you were mentioning a few seconds ago and forget everything else?”
Matthias narrows his eyes and shakes his head, clearly not understanding what I mean. “Jealous? Of who? There’s only you, me, and Eleanor in this house. Trust me. I don’t have a thing for her.”
“Now you’re just being stupid. Put me down. I’m not in the mood anymore.”
So much for having a good time. Now I feel sillier than I did before, and I don’t get to come. I should have just lied. At least then I’d get to enjoy myself.
He doesn’t fight me and sets me down on my feet. A second later, I hurry out of the shower, leaving him standing in there alone with the water still running. All I want to do is forget I ever said a thing.
But he’s not going to let that happen.
He follows me out into the bedroom and catches me just as I’m getting dressed. Grabbing my arm, he spins me around and pulls me to him so I have no choice but to face him.
“Tell me what you were jealous about. I can’t figure it out. You were okay with knowing I have Playboy in my bed, but something at breakfast made you jealous? That makes no sense.”