Page 37 of Cruel King
“Except for the watching movies and TV part, we sound like people from the nineteenth century.”
“We could help Jonesy with the snow blowing. The guy has miles to do before everyone gets back. There’s just one problem with that. There are only two snow blowers and three of us.”
Before he can continue, I cover his mouth with my hand. “If you start talking about me doing some other kind of blowing, I swear to God, Matthias King, I will walk out of this room and do what I said I’d do with Eleanor.”
Beneath my palm, he smiles and then flicks the tip of his tongue against my fingers. “Fine. No blowjob jokes.”
“So now that we got that settled, do you have any suggestions on what we can do all day?” I ask as I drop my hand from his mouth.
“Since you’ve ruled out talking about sex, I guess it’s sleeping, actual sex, and watching TV and movies for us.”
With a shrug, I turn to leave, but he pulls me back to kiss me. “And if you’re good, maybe we can do another drawing.”
“If I’m good?”
“Well, you can be bad, if you want, but you’re the one who told me no more sex talk. If you’ve changed your mind, I have this idea of you on your knees in the shower and me—”
I quickly stop him from finishing by covering his mouth again. “You have a one-track mind, you know that? What about a game of pool? Theo always says you’re pretty good. Maybe you can teach me.”
Again, he smiles beneath my hand before nodding. “I can do that. If my brother has taught you anything, though, I’m going to have to undo that because he’s a terrible pool player.”
I turn and begin walking toward the hallway to get my first pool lesson underway. “He hasn’t really. I’m a complete billiards newbie.”
“Ooooh, a virgin,” he jokes behind me.
When I turn around, I see him grinning. “You really do have a one-track mind.”
Shrugging, he smiles bigger. “I’m a growing boy. What can I say?”
I roll my eyes at that. “You’re twenty-three. That’s a man, not a boy.”
He opens the bedroom door for me and sneaks a kiss just before I walk out. “Fine, I’m a growing man. In fact, if we keep talking about sex, I’m really going to be growing.”
I look back at him and roll my eyes again. “First my pool lesson and then we can see what we can do about your growing, okay?”
Never before, other than with his brother, have I felt this comfortable with any guy. Theo and I never talk about sex, though. For us, it’s purely platonic.
As we walk toward the game room, Matthias slides his arm around my waist and pulls me to him. It’s a tiny gesture, but considering our past, it feels like something special.
Matthias teachesme the basics about shooting pool, including how to hold the cue stick, but try as I might, I don’t seem to be any good at this game. Every shot he attempts ends up with a striped ball going into the pocket, and every shot I try either ends up with the cue ball sailing off the table or the solid ball I want to get in roaming around the table like some lost tourist in a foreign country.
After my third attempt to get the four ball to go in any pocket, I sigh in defeat. “I’m not very good at this.”
He nods as he stands at the other end of the table leaning against his pool stick. “I think I finally understand why you and Theo hang out so much. You’re very much alike, especially when it comes to pool. He sucks too.”
I pout at hearing that harsh opinion of my pool shooting skills. “I suck?”
Instantly, he knows he’s hurt my feelings. Walking around the table, he stops behind me and nuzzles the side of my neck. “Yes, but unlike my brother, I think I can help you to be better.”
Turning my head, I look back at him. “Really?”
After kissing me softly on the lips, he nods. “Really. I think the problem starts with how you’re holding the cue. I showed you how to position your hand on the table to steady it so when you take a shot the stick doesn’t wobble all over the place, but you’re just like Theo and insist on holding it the other way. I think you learned that from him, didn’t you?”
I nod, forced to admit the truth. “Well, he showed me a little about the game one day. I didn’t think I actually learned that much.”
Matthias rolls his eyes. “I swear my brother couldn’t shoot pool to save his life, so I don’t know why he thinks he should be teaching anyone anything. Here, let me show you how to do it.”
He leans me over the table, his body pressing against my back and ass, and I have a hard time focusing on what he’s trying to teach me. All I can think about is how he’s hard behind me. I swear he walks around with a hard on constantly.