Page 65 of Cruel King
When I look back, her eyes are as big as saucers. “Hello, pot. This is kettle. You’re black.”
“What’s that mean?”
Ava levels her gaze on my face. “It means you haven’t told me a single thing about your life in the past five years, but you’re bothered that I won’t tell you this one secret I have. Seems pretty hypocritical, if you ask me.”
Since I don’t want to fill her head with thoughts of me with other women on the very night I want us to sleep together for the first time, I quickly change the conversation. “So any idea what my surprise is?”
For a long moment, she stares at me like she’s angry I won’t give in and tell her about the past five years of my life, but then she smiles, and I know we’re back on the right track. “Is it animal, vegetable, or mineral?”
That makes me stop to think of which a surprise candlelight dinner would be considered. “Vegetable, I guess?”
For that, I get a look of confusion. “Oh. I’m not sure what I thought you’d say, but for some reason, I wasn’t expecting that. So my surprise is a vegetable?”
“Not exactly. Maybe we should just wait since you’ll see it in a few minutes.”
When we walk into the kitchen, Eleanor’s got the table set just for us. I made sure to tell Marius to stay away tonight, and since Matthias is gone for a few days, there’s no chance of him busting in and ruining things.
“Hello, you two!” Eleanor chirps in her usual happy tone. “Everything’s all ready for you. All I need to do is set the bread out, which will happen in a second or two when the timer goes off.”
As if on cue, a beep sounds, and she hurries over to the oven to take out a beautiful loaf of French bread I bought specifically to complement tonight’s meal. It became my favorite after I got to enjoy it a few months back when I spent that few days in a cute little seaside hotel with the most incredible café. I couldn’t believe it when I found a bakery a few towns away from the house here that specialized in French bread and knew it would be perfect for tonight.
I look over at Ava and see her eyes wide as she scans the table. “Wow! What is all of this?”
As I escort her to her chair, I explain, “I got to enjoy this when I was staying at this cute inn on the south coast of France.” I point at the salmon right in front of her and continue. “We’ll start with salmon tartare. Have you ever had it?”
She smiles, but I see something strange in her eyes. “Tartare? Doesn’t that mean uncooked?”
I nod but quickly add, “Yes, but this is just smoked salmon. Don’t worry. It’s good.”
Relief washes over her, and she leans forward to look at the dish. “It looks great.”
Turning to look at the other end of the table, I point at the salad bowl with a variety of greens and say, “There’s also a salad. The French don’t do a huge thing with salads if they aren’t the meal, so it’s just some mixed greens with an incredible vinaigrette.”
That makes Ava’s smile return. “Oh, good! I always love a good salad.”
“Of course, there has to be wine. I had this merlot and loved it. I know you like red wine, so you’re going to love this!”
I pour her a glass and then one for myself before lifting mine in the air to make a toast. “To an incredible meal with my favorite person in the world.”
A blush makes Ava’s cheeks turn a soft pink. “To Theo and his wonderful meal!”
I sit down and take some of the salad before handing her the bowl. “Wait until you see the main course. Rougail Saucisse. You’re going to love it!”
Ava nods and in a low voice repeats the name of the dish. “Rougail Saucisse. I had two years of French in high school, but I don’t know what that is.”
Before I can tell her, Eleanor excitedly answers her question. “It’s the most delicious sausage and rice dish I’ve ever seen! I may not have cooked it, but it’s been filling this kitchen with the most delightful smell since Theo brought it into the house this afternoon.”
With a smile, Ava nods as she takes a bit of her salad. “That sounds great!”
Eleanor quickly says, “I’m sorry, Theo. I didn’t mean to butt in like that.”
I wave off her worry and chuckle. “No apologies needed. The Rougail Saucisse does smell fantastic.”
If I was being polite, I’d ask her if she wanted to join us, but my plans tonight don’t include hanging out with anyone but Ava. Eleanor senses the bread being finished is her cue to leave, and hurriedly excuses herself, thankfully.
Ava and I eat our salads, but I notice she’s not interested in the salmon. Maybe if she had some bread to go with it.
I grab the loaf off the island and set it down in the basket at the center of the table. “Try this bread. It’s incredible!”